Idea by
Ina Westheiden
Call for ideas 2016
Work About a Friendly Alien
Work About a Friendly Alien

What happens when the architectural image is used not only as a communication tool, but rather as a draft instrument? The ability of a drawing to relink its various ingredients, enables to produce new relations. This project uses this potential to examine the relationship of an architectural object and its environment in a conscious way. For this purpose, the method of the double copy is applied: It consists of the artefact “Friendly Alien“, Kunsthaus Graz by Peter Cook, a contemporary architectural object and historical representations of selected eras. The artefact and the presentation methods are copied and merged into new screen compositions. The proposed method stimulates a creative process in thinking about architecture. In its open form of appropriation of content that can be relinked and thus sets up new relations, it opens new viewing angles. The existing definitions of originality and authorship in architecture are critically examined and their concepts are put into question.

Veduta del Castello dell‘Acqua Felice

The Coexistent Alien

The Museum of Peter Cook

The Ruin of the Friendly Alien

The Morphosis of the Friendly Alien
Work About a Friendly Alien
Work About a Friendly Alien

What happens when the architectural image is used not only as a communication tool, but rather as a draft instrument? The ability of a drawing to relink its various ingredients, enables to produce new relations. This project uses this potential to examine the relationship of an architectural object and its environment in a conscious way. For this purpose, the method of the double copy is applied: It consists of the artefact “Friendly Alien“, Kunsthaus Graz by Peter Cook, a contemporary architectural object and historical representations of selected eras. The artefact and the presentation methods are copied and merged into new screen compositions. The proposed method stimulates a creative process in thinking about architecture. In its open form of appropriation of content that can be relinked and thus sets up new relations, it opens new viewing angles. The existing definitions of originality and authorship in architecture are critically examined and their concepts are put into question.

Veduta del Castello dell‘Acqua Felice

The Coexistent Alien

The Museum of Peter Cook

The Ruin of the Friendly Alien

The Morphosis of the Friendly Alien