Idea by
Sofia Karim
Call for ideas 2020
An Architecture of Disappearance
An Architecture of Disappearance
- New alliances
Whilst most art forms including literature, poetry and music, have been used as a language of struggle and resistance, architecture has largely refrained. Jazz for example, embodies the pain of slavery, transforming it to beauty. Architecture prefers abstract associations with the human condition.
The imprisonment of my uncle, photographer Shahidul Alam, by the government of Bangladesh, changed my entire outlook on architecture. Insight into the hidden world of disappearances, imprisonment and authoritarianism led towards a new language - an ‘Architecture of Disappearance’.
I seek to bring architecture closer to the human condition, through confrontation with the pain of history and the present. This includes race, and forces of labour that construct our buildings (particularly migrant labour). Architects must interrogate their own relationship with power. Ideals of beauty, truth and transcendence, nor true environmental sustainability, cannot be achieved otherwise.
An Architecture of Disappearance
An Architecture of Disappearance
- New alliances
Whilst most art forms including literature, poetry and music, have been used as a language of struggle and resistance, architecture has largely refrained. Jazz for example, embodies the pain of slavery, transforming it to beauty. Architecture prefers abstract associations with the human condition.
The imprisonment of my uncle, photographer Shahidul Alam, by the government of Bangladesh, changed my entire outlook on architecture. Insight into the hidden world of disappearances, imprisonment and authoritarianism led towards a new language - an ‘Architecture of Disappearance’.
I seek to bring architecture closer to the human condition, through confrontation with the pain of history and the present. This includes race, and forces of labour that construct our buildings (particularly migrant labour). Architects must interrogate their own relationship with power. Ideals of beauty, truth and transcendence, nor true environmental sustainability, cannot be achieved otherwise.