Idea by
Sergio del Castillo Tello
Call for ideas 2019
Miauhaus, Movement for Architectural and Urban Interrelationalism
Miauhaus, Movement for Architectural and Urban Interrelationalism

- New alliances
The Project is a Computational Device for Urban Prototype based on Programmed Regulations, an Inter-Infrastructural Urban Planning whose program is the headquarters of the Hybrid Complex Research Laboratory of Topology of residential and tertiary. The objective of the dynamic masterplanning model is not the optimization of the urban fabric for the achievement of objectives but to promote the complexity in the formal response of the urban planning design system. This technical-instrumental research is based on Computer Graphics Modeling according to holistic-stochastic city relational prototypes. This research focuses on the city as a topological network that support the relationships that allow the exchange of morphotipology, energy, information between the city and its environment, and between the parts of the city itself (public-semi-public-private space), interpreted as programmed (computational) geometric (behavior) interrelations (topological).

R1 Programmed Urban Prototype

R2 Summary of Methodology (Steps)

Memo: Program, System, Technology

Fenomenology I: One possible open result

Fenomenology II: One possible open result
Miauhaus, Movement for Architectural and Urban Interrelationalism
Miauhaus, Movement for Architectural and Urban Interrelationalism

- New alliances
The Project is a Computational Device for Urban Prototype based on Programmed Regulations, an Inter-Infrastructural Urban Planning whose program is the headquarters of the Hybrid Complex Research Laboratory of Topology of residential and tertiary. The objective of the dynamic masterplanning model is not the optimization of the urban fabric for the achievement of objectives but to promote the complexity in the formal response of the urban planning design system. This technical-instrumental research is based on Computer Graphics Modeling according to holistic-stochastic city relational prototypes. This research focuses on the city as a topological network that support the relationships that allow the exchange of morphotipology, energy, information between the city and its environment, and between the parts of the city itself (public-semi-public-private space), interpreted as programmed (computational) geometric (behavior) interrelations (topological).

R1 Programmed Urban Prototype

R2 Summary of Methodology (Steps)

Memo: Program, System, Technology

Fenomenology I: One possible open result

Fenomenology II: One possible open result