Idea by
Maegan Icke and Rachel Jones-Jones
Tool/Toy Project
Call for ideas 2020
Tool/Toy Project
Tool/Toy Project

- Systemic changes
Tool/Toy Project: Solar Instruments consists of a set of objects designed to slow down the daily domestic routine by encouraging regular playful interactions with the Sun in the home. The devices engage the senses, encouraging various ways to listen, touch, watch, meditate, navigate and dance with the sunshine and its effects.
The instruments aim to facilitate the space for the imagining of an alternative societal structure that does not incentivise social and environmental breakdown. By translating empirical data into items that can be interacted with on a daily basis, we aim to encourage a sense of our place under our star and a closer relationship with our energy source. The proposal taps into the idea of play as a cultural act that can free us from the confines of the growth paradigm and expand our understanding of how urban space is imagined, perceived, used, discussed, controlled and planned.
This project was recently exhibited at the Oslo Architecture Triennale.

500 second celebration:
It takes 500 seconds for sunlight to reach the Earth, the same time it takes to burn half a birthday candle.

Listen to the sunshine:
Like a shell, this form has a chamber that amplifies ambient noise. Leave it in a sunny spot and lift it to your ear to hear the sunshine raise the pitch of your surroundings.

Measure your circadian rhythms:
Use the shadow from the pin to ascertain what your body is doing at that time of day.

Spin the tidal top:
How will the spinning top land? Guess the positioning of Sun during Spring and Neap tides.

Guide the reflection:
Wear the reflective disk and use your body to guide the reflection along the path on a series of map - London to Oslo via train, around the Oslofjord, a scenic route around Oslo (pictured), and around the deepest lake in Norway.
Tool/Toy Project
Tool/Toy Project

- Systemic changes
Tool/Toy Project: Solar Instruments consists of a set of objects designed to slow down the daily domestic routine by encouraging regular playful interactions with the Sun in the home. The devices engage the senses, encouraging various ways to listen, touch, watch, meditate, navigate and dance with the sunshine and its effects.
The instruments aim to facilitate the space for the imagining of an alternative societal structure that does not incentivise social and environmental breakdown. By translating empirical data into items that can be interacted with on a daily basis, we aim to encourage a sense of our place under our star and a closer relationship with our energy source. The proposal taps into the idea of play as a cultural act that can free us from the confines of the growth paradigm and expand our understanding of how urban space is imagined, perceived, used, discussed, controlled and planned.
This project was recently exhibited at the Oslo Architecture Triennale.

500 second celebration:
It takes 500 seconds for sunlight to reach the Earth, the same time it takes to burn half a birthday candle.

Listen to the sunshine:
Like a shell, this form has a chamber that amplifies ambient noise. Leave it in a sunny spot and lift it to your ear to hear the sunshine raise the pitch of your surroundings.

Measure your circadian rhythms:
Use the shadow from the pin to ascertain what your body is doing at that time of day.

Spin the tidal top:
How will the spinning top land? Guess the positioning of Sun during Spring and Neap tides.

Guide the reflection:
Wear the reflective disk and use your body to guide the reflection along the path on a series of map - London to Oslo via train, around the Oslofjord, a scenic route around Oslo (pictured), and around the deepest lake in Norway.