Idea by
Viktor Fuček
Call for ideas 2021
Action as Architecture
Action as Architecture

- Systemic changes
Nowadays, we face the urgency to redefine our position in the world and search for solutions for survival in times of ecological and environmental threats. Performance is powerful critical tool for examining disputes over not only architecture but also the ability to initiate societal change Space and surface, time and place, data and materials are reconfigured and re-evaluated in completely new ways through a "living" matrix, constantly expanding our experience as well as our knowledge and understanding of the environment we share together. This effort is based on the need to find a strong sense of the different layers of reality than just material.
I have been trying to discover and redefine connections between performance and architecture since 2012. Research results in a series of workshops for professionals as well as broader public, where they can gain performative skills. The method is based not only on performance but also on choreographic practice or physical theatre.

Performance workshop, 5.— 6. 2020, Slovakia

Performative intervention to Czech and Slovak pavilion in Venice Biennale, 2019

Material's sensual exploration during the workshop

Spatial movement score, Final performative presentation of the Subject of Performance, Academy of arts, Slovakia, 2020

Public spatial research workshop, Zahrada - Center for independent culture, Slovakia, 2015
Action as Architecture
Action as Architecture

- Systemic changes
Nowadays, we face the urgency to redefine our position in the world and search for solutions for survival in times of ecological and environmental threats. Performance is powerful critical tool for examining disputes over not only architecture but also the ability to initiate societal change Space and surface, time and place, data and materials are reconfigured and re-evaluated in completely new ways through a "living" matrix, constantly expanding our experience as well as our knowledge and understanding of the environment we share together. This effort is based on the need to find a strong sense of the different layers of reality than just material.
I have been trying to discover and redefine connections between performance and architecture since 2012. Research results in a series of workshops for professionals as well as broader public, where they can gain performative skills. The method is based not only on performance but also on choreographic practice or physical theatre.

Performance workshop, 5.— 6. 2020, Slovakia

Performative intervention to Czech and Slovak pavilion in Venice Biennale, 2019

Material's sensual exploration during the workshop

Spatial movement score, Final performative presentation of the Subject of Performance, Academy of arts, Slovakia, 2020

Public spatial research workshop, Zahrada - Center for independent culture, Slovakia, 2015