Idea by
Gabriela Simões Garcia
Call for ideas 2021

- New alliances
This idea operates as a call within the Landscapes of Care call. It is an invitation for architects, urban planners and designers, sociologists, ecologists, all spatial practitioners and citizens to look for places near them where the advancing force of humanity is taking over natural landscapes. Places that are becoming. It proposes the creation of a virtual community of reflection and care for those areas, being a cosmopolitan alliance of practices attuned to local contexts. The objective is to learn about bioregions being impacted by anthropogenic actions, map them and develop situated knowledge to support a regenerative presence in land. Moreover, it is an opportunity to face open-ended questions, to reflect upon how humans relate to the land and imagine possibilities beyond ownership, borders etc. A project to learn about us, humans, the land we inhabit and the land we are continuously expanding upon. If you want to join, please fill this form:

Unplanned settlement in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Mapping some characteristics of the unplanned settlement.

Natural landscapes being occupied by housing construction.

- New alliances
This idea operates as a call within the Landscapes of Care call. It is an invitation for architects, urban planners and designers, sociologists, ecologists, all spatial practitioners and citizens to look for places near them where the advancing force of humanity is taking over natural landscapes. Places that are becoming. It proposes the creation of a virtual community of reflection and care for those areas, being a cosmopolitan alliance of practices attuned to local contexts. The objective is to learn about bioregions being impacted by anthropogenic actions, map them and develop situated knowledge to support a regenerative presence in land. Moreover, it is an opportunity to face open-ended questions, to reflect upon how humans relate to the land and imagine possibilities beyond ownership, borders etc. A project to learn about us, humans, the land we inhabit and the land we are continuously expanding upon. If you want to join, please fill this form:

Unplanned settlement in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Mapping some characteristics of the unplanned settlement.

Natural landscapes being occupied by housing construction.