Idea by
Nora O Murchú
Call for ideas 2019
The New Black
The New Black

- Systemic changes
How might we live in a city whose administrators and governors are non-human? As emerging technologies and processes have become incorporated into the life, subjectivities and structures of the city, how does computational logic form and embody the collective values of both its human and non-human inhabitants? In a near future, where mass production and consumption has given way to computational managerialism, this project considers the work and social experience of female workers living under the rules and conditions of non-human politics. As the smart city expands, algorithms and their spatial effects influence the economic and political flows of the city — data, things and people are managed by protocological rules and limits, rendered on dashboards, and stored in databases for prediction. This project reflects on the lived effects of computational architecture — the alienation of its human inhabitants as they live within the parameters of the algorithmic city.
The New Black
The New Black

- Systemic changes
How might we live in a city whose administrators and governors are non-human? As emerging technologies and processes have become incorporated into the life, subjectivities and structures of the city, how does computational logic form and embody the collective values of both its human and non-human inhabitants? In a near future, where mass production and consumption has given way to computational managerialism, this project considers the work and social experience of female workers living under the rules and conditions of non-human politics. As the smart city expands, algorithms and their spatial effects influence the economic and political flows of the city — data, things and people are managed by protocological rules and limits, rendered on dashboards, and stored in databases for prediction. This project reflects on the lived effects of computational architecture — the alienation of its human inhabitants as they live within the parameters of the algorithmic city.