Idea by
Lucy Siyao Liu and Matthew Bohne
Call for ideas 2021
LateCapitalist LateShop/ Spätkapitalist Spätkauf
LateCapitalist LateShop/ Spätkapitalist Spätkauf
- Systemic changes
We believe architecture is a practice of refusal: refuse the packaging of intimacy for platform capitalism, refuse the privatization of life necessities, refuse the dissolution of the living, growing and loving subject. In discussing the struggle to locate subjectivity in late capitalism, David Joselit laments that identifying with a dominant cultural imaginary is “the price we pay—in unequal measure according to our race, gender and sexuality—in having to exist as images for others.” Despite it being much past late capitalism, individual identity and subjectivities continue to be hijacked by capitalist tendencies. LateShop adopts the form of a späti - a kiosk that is open late - as a space where routines of value exchange (purchasing, lending, borrowing, conversing, sharing) are combined with post-capitalistic routines of creation, consumption, circulation and manifestation. LateShop is the space to consider what it means to exist beyond market value.
LateCapitalist LateShop/ Spätkapitalist Spätkauf
LateCapitalist LateShop/ Spätkapitalist Spätkauf
- Systemic changes
We believe architecture is a practice of refusal: refuse the packaging of intimacy for platform capitalism, refuse the privatization of life necessities, refuse the dissolution of the living, growing and loving subject. In discussing the struggle to locate subjectivity in late capitalism, David Joselit laments that identifying with a dominant cultural imaginary is “the price we pay—in unequal measure according to our race, gender and sexuality—in having to exist as images for others.” Despite it being much past late capitalism, individual identity and subjectivities continue to be hijacked by capitalist tendencies. LateShop adopts the form of a späti - a kiosk that is open late - as a space where routines of value exchange (purchasing, lending, borrowing, conversing, sharing) are combined with post-capitalistic routines of creation, consumption, circulation and manifestation. LateShop is the space to consider what it means to exist beyond market value.