Idea by
Morten Birk Jørgensen, Andrea Ougaard, Anders Rubing
Damn you, critics!
Call for ideas 2020
Damn you, critics!
Damn you, critics!

- New alliances
‘Damn you, critics!’ find interest in the discipline of architecture as it emerges in an intimate relationship between architectural works and critical commenting, analysis and judgement. It constructs small laboratories for experimentation with architectural production. Each experiment follows the same three steps. STEP 01: The laboratory is equipped with an architecture critic who generates an architectural critique in the clinic environment, only catalyzed by the critics’ own dreams and imagination. STEP 02: A designer is added to the laboratory to generate form from the written critique and represent it in drawings and model. STEP 03: The written critique and the graphic and spatial design representations are presented together in exhibitions, publications and public talks to engender reflections and discussions on the role, importance and possible futures of architectural critique. Who owns the intellectual properties of the architectural works?
Damn you, critics!
Damn you, critics!

- New alliances
‘Damn you, critics!’ find interest in the discipline of architecture as it emerges in an intimate relationship between architectural works and critical commenting, analysis and judgement. It constructs small laboratories for experimentation with architectural production. Each experiment follows the same three steps. STEP 01: The laboratory is equipped with an architecture critic who generates an architectural critique in the clinic environment, only catalyzed by the critics’ own dreams and imagination. STEP 02: A designer is added to the laboratory to generate form from the written critique and represent it in drawings and model. STEP 03: The written critique and the graphic and spatial design representations are presented together in exhibitions, publications and public talks to engender reflections and discussions on the role, importance and possible futures of architectural critique. Who owns the intellectual properties of the architectural works?