Idea by
Jelena Androic, Karla Crncevic
Call for ideas 2021
Interspecies Landscapes of Care
Interspecies Landscapes of Care

- New alliances
Repetative touristic tours on Dubrovniks main road Stradun make moving and usage of space very predictable.On contrary Žarkovica hill is only place in the city that was not reconstructed after the war(1991.-1995.).Žarkovica shelter is defined by work of care and spatial self-organisation of dogs packs.Use of space is defined by dogs bodies creating borders and territories.Using photos,GPS dogs tracking,static shoots of landscape we are exploring different organisation of space created by invisible female activist work.The idea of the project is to create the visual (film, photography) and the narrative context (poetry, experimental writing) where human anthropocentric thinking needs to stop or change while following dogs individual, group behaviours and everyday interactions with Sandra, their all the time available caretaker.Finally it shows how interspecies landscapes of care are physically constructed including all human and other then human activities.

Upper angle on Zarkovica space and infrastructure

Sandra, Wire Fance and Horizon

Dog Human Alliance

Archive photo: Restaurant on the Zarkovica hill before war.
Interspecies Landscapes of Care
Interspecies Landscapes of Care

- New alliances
Repetative touristic tours on Dubrovniks main road Stradun make moving and usage of space very predictable.On contrary Žarkovica hill is only place in the city that was not reconstructed after the war(1991.-1995.).Žarkovica shelter is defined by work of care and spatial self-organisation of dogs packs.Use of space is defined by dogs bodies creating borders and territories.Using photos,GPS dogs tracking,static shoots of landscape we are exploring different organisation of space created by invisible female activist work.The idea of the project is to create the visual (film, photography) and the narrative context (poetry, experimental writing) where human anthropocentric thinking needs to stop or change while following dogs individual, group behaviours and everyday interactions with Sandra, their all the time available caretaker.Finally it shows how interspecies landscapes of care are physically constructed including all human and other then human activities.

Upper angle on Zarkovica space and infrastructure

Sandra, Wire Fance and Horizon

Dog Human Alliance

Archive photo: Restaurant on the Zarkovica hill before war.