Idea by
Sergio Ortín Molina
Call for ideas 2021
Post-pandemic housing communities
Post-pandemic housing communities

- Systemic changes
The current pandemic context has shown the need to rethink the role that architecture should play in the globalized city of the 21st century. In recent months, we have lived in many corners of the planet restrictions of mobility, social limitations and even, long stages of home confinement to cope with the uncontrolled advance of a new virus whose expansion has been facilitated by the immediacy of interpersonal relationships. How many people have tried to flee from the big cities to small towns, away from the big masses and in close contact with forgotten nature?
In this framework, the project aims to establish a new housing solution paradigm through disaggregated communities around the world, hosted under an Architecture that bets on ecology and self-sufficiency, in a post-pandemic era in which the city slows down its expansion and society's times and priorities are reversed. An urban exodus towards the common, the natural and the human.

Post-pandemic housing communities
Post-pandemic housing communities

- Systemic changes
The current pandemic context has shown the need to rethink the role that architecture should play in the globalized city of the 21st century. In recent months, we have lived in many corners of the planet restrictions of mobility, social limitations and even, long stages of home confinement to cope with the uncontrolled advance of a new virus whose expansion has been facilitated by the immediacy of interpersonal relationships. How many people have tried to flee from the big cities to small towns, away from the big masses and in close contact with forgotten nature?
In this framework, the project aims to establish a new housing solution paradigm through disaggregated communities around the world, hosted under an Architecture that bets on ecology and self-sufficiency, in a post-pandemic era in which the city slows down its expansion and society's times and priorities are reversed. An urban exodus towards the common, the natural and the human.