Idea by
Atto Belloli Ardessi and Ginevra Bria
Isisuf - International Institute of Futurism Studies
Call for ideas 2019

- New alliances
This Liberty Palace was the last Futurists meeting place. Now FuturDome is a housing museum where next-generation residential spaces host cultural events, directly organized inside the building common areas and flats. FuturDome shows how living could become a sequence of spatial recognitions and groundbreaking artistic solutions. Spaces fluidity allows creatives to install micro-universes featured by highly perceptive narratives in domestic scenarios. FuturDome evolves in favour of new aesthetic territories and historical-artistic identities, revealing unedited contemporary scenarios, as into: Imitatio Christie’s, by Zero… (2016), The Habit of a Foreign Sky (2016), Outer Space (2017), Nucleo. The Law of Past Experience (2017), Guido van der Werve. Auto Sacramental (2018), Andrè Komatsu. Ordem Casual (2018). From 2011, FuturDome has become an inspirational source for: André Komatsu, Christine Sun Kim, Adam Christensen, Gianni Pettena, Sebastian Wickeroth and designers collective Nucleo.

FuturDome during Le Dictateur Grand Opening, February 2016

FuturDome during Guido van der Werve. Auto Sacramental exhibition, February 2018

FuturDome during Guido van der Werve. Auto Sacramental exhibition, February 2018

FuturDome during The Habit of A Foreign Sky, Alessandro di Pietro installation, September 2016

FuturDome during The Habit of A Foreign Sky, Guglielmo Castelli paintings, September 2016

- New alliances
This Liberty Palace was the last Futurists meeting place. Now FuturDome is a housing museum where next-generation residential spaces host cultural events, directly organized inside the building common areas and flats. FuturDome shows how living could become a sequence of spatial recognitions and groundbreaking artistic solutions. Spaces fluidity allows creatives to install micro-universes featured by highly perceptive narratives in domestic scenarios. FuturDome evolves in favour of new aesthetic territories and historical-artistic identities, revealing unedited contemporary scenarios, as into: Imitatio Christie’s, by Zero… (2016), The Habit of a Foreign Sky (2016), Outer Space (2017), Nucleo. The Law of Past Experience (2017), Guido van der Werve. Auto Sacramental (2018), Andrè Komatsu. Ordem Casual (2018). From 2011, FuturDome has become an inspirational source for: André Komatsu, Christine Sun Kim, Adam Christensen, Gianni Pettena, Sebastian Wickeroth and designers collective Nucleo.

FuturDome during Le Dictateur Grand Opening, February 2016

FuturDome during Guido van der Werve. Auto Sacramental exhibition, February 2018

FuturDome during Guido van der Werve. Auto Sacramental exhibition, February 2018

FuturDome during The Habit of A Foreign Sky, Alessandro di Pietro installation, September 2016

FuturDome during The Habit of A Foreign Sky, Guglielmo Castelli paintings, September 2016