Idea by
Wesam Al Asali
Call for ideas 2019
Informality for (Re)Construction
Informality for (Re)Construction

- New alliances
When post-war reconstruction plans are to be translated into cities, they use systems of regulations to produce a formal and planned built-environment. However, in cities like Damascus and Aleppo where almost half of the built environment is informal, this approach needs to be rethought. Building crafts in everyday construction could offer alternatives that better consolidate inclusion, optimisation, speed, and efficiency in the making of built environment.
Examining informality by the lens of post-war reconstruction might shed light on new mechanisms that overlap the planned and unplanned. With a central focus on the "production" of the built environment, where housing becomes a verb, informality could be part of a solution.

Informality for (Re)Construction
Informality for (Re)Construction

- New alliances
When post-war reconstruction plans are to be translated into cities, they use systems of regulations to produce a formal and planned built-environment. However, in cities like Damascus and Aleppo where almost half of the built environment is informal, this approach needs to be rethought. Building crafts in everyday construction could offer alternatives that better consolidate inclusion, optimisation, speed, and efficiency in the making of built environment.
Examining informality by the lens of post-war reconstruction might shed light on new mechanisms that overlap the planned and unplanned. With a central focus on the "production" of the built environment, where housing becomes a verb, informality could be part of a solution.