Idea by
Mika Savela and Henrik Drufva
Selim Projects
Call for ideas 2016
Massive Architecture
Massive Architecture
Buildings and their parts have been traditionally read as a metalanguage of architecture. However, currently the "seeing" of architecture is taking over with the expansion of creative images. Massive quantities of media are interpreted as relevant and pleasing "design". The past, heroic, singular answers (projects) are turning increasingly obsolete, as the global interest in the house/city/car of the future is matched with cultural practices that are able to portray a wider range of aesthetics, opportunities and conditions that are also viewed as architectural matter by an ever greater public. The resulting imagery is also expanding temporally, as archives and past works have become increasingly available. These developments are contributing into the emergence of a "Massive Architecture" – an all-encompassing state of the discipline which can be seen both as a welcome and inclusive development, as well as detrimental to value of design as expertise.
"Representation" as new architecture.
"Distance" as new architecture.
"Tropical" as new architecture.
"Nothing" as new architecture.
"Archive" as new architecture.
Massive Architecture
Massive Architecture
Buildings and their parts have been traditionally read as a metalanguage of architecture. However, currently the "seeing" of architecture is taking over with the expansion of creative images. Massive quantities of media are interpreted as relevant and pleasing "design". The past, heroic, singular answers (projects) are turning increasingly obsolete, as the global interest in the house/city/car of the future is matched with cultural practices that are able to portray a wider range of aesthetics, opportunities and conditions that are also viewed as architectural matter by an ever greater public. The resulting imagery is also expanding temporally, as archives and past works have become increasingly available. These developments are contributing into the emergence of a "Massive Architecture" – an all-encompassing state of the discipline which can be seen both as a welcome and inclusive development, as well as detrimental to value of design as expertise.
"Representation" as new architecture.
"Distance" as new architecture.
"Tropical" as new architecture.
"Nothing" as new architecture.
"Archive" as new architecture.