Idea by
Sam Lander
Sam Lander
Call for ideas 2019

- New alliances
The impact of my project on the development of architecture would be one which see’s materials at the forefront of the design, rather than design itself being at the forefront to have the latest trend in architectural. In terms of having material at the forefront, this would see materials having authority and priority over any over circumstances on the development. Materials allocated to areas which their properties would be beneficial. These materials would be chosen from a list of new materials which haven’t been allocated to a specific area yet but could work just as well if not better than their predecessors in that discipline. This list of materials which have been recycled or repurposed or have the capability to in the future, to become a more sustainable development. This use of materials hopefully will bring a new development which isn’t tied into latest trends, overall becoming sustainable itself as it won’t suffer from obsolescence, due to its different approach.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' coffee table. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene. This shows through the process of evaporation and a substance how this can be used as welding, bonding two polystyrene plys together.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' coffee table. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene. This shows how the different colours of polystyrene come out in plying the material up.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' coffee table. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' light. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene. This went through many process's one being a amchine I built called 'whirligig'. Using centrigugal force in a converted washing machine to hollow forms out.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' sample. Showing the layers which contribute to making the ply material.

- New alliances
The impact of my project on the development of architecture would be one which see’s materials at the forefront of the design, rather than design itself being at the forefront to have the latest trend in architectural. In terms of having material at the forefront, this would see materials having authority and priority over any over circumstances on the development. Materials allocated to areas which their properties would be beneficial. These materials would be chosen from a list of new materials which haven’t been allocated to a specific area yet but could work just as well if not better than their predecessors in that discipline. This list of materials which have been recycled or repurposed or have the capability to in the future, to become a more sustainable development. This use of materials hopefully will bring a new development which isn’t tied into latest trends, overall becoming sustainable itself as it won’t suffer from obsolescence, due to its different approach.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' coffee table. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene. This shows through the process of evaporation and a substance how this can be used as welding, bonding two polystyrene plys together.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' coffee table. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene. This shows how the different colours of polystyrene come out in plying the material up.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' coffee table. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' light. I produced this from disgarded commercial polystyrene. This went through many process's one being a amchine I built called 'whirligig'. Using centrigugal force in a converted washing machine to hollow forms out.

One material ive been developing which could be used in a aspect of architectural design. 'Poly' sample. Showing the layers which contribute to making the ply material.