Idea by
Call for ideas 2020

- Site-specific cases
EUPavilion is a research project on the relationship between the EU institutions and architecture. A critical reconsideration of such relationship is a fundamental aspect of the construction of a project of relevant collective value. In fact, the so called “Iconographic deficit”2 of the EU is partly due to the lack of a clear project that engages with space, architecture and monuments.
The Venice Biennale and the typology of the pavilion could provide a testing ground for a new kind of European public building. It is now clear how the saturation of the Giardini brought about by the pavilions is not only physical, but also ideological insofar as it was born of a twentieth-century national paradigm. Breaking this paradigm means creating the conditions to ask questions about new representative languages, with the understanding that, albeit free from localist drives, pavilions continue to be fundamental as instruments of identity assertion.

The Giardini of the Biennale di Venezia. Dialogue and Clashes between National and International Aspirations, an article by Supervoid+Friel published in Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory no. 1, "Supervenice", Iuav University of Venice.

The Giardini della Biennale, photos by Giorgio de Vecchi

Supervoid+Friel, EUPavilion workshop at Iuav Wave 2019 Summer Workshops

Supervoid+Friel, EUPavilion workshop at Iuav Wave 2019 Summer Workshops, booklet

Supervoid+Friel, EUPavilion workshop at Iuav Wave 2019 Summer Workshops

- Site-specific cases
EUPavilion is a research project on the relationship between the EU institutions and architecture. A critical reconsideration of such relationship is a fundamental aspect of the construction of a project of relevant collective value. In fact, the so called “Iconographic deficit”2 of the EU is partly due to the lack of a clear project that engages with space, architecture and monuments.
The Venice Biennale and the typology of the pavilion could provide a testing ground for a new kind of European public building. It is now clear how the saturation of the Giardini brought about by the pavilions is not only physical, but also ideological insofar as it was born of a twentieth-century national paradigm. Breaking this paradigm means creating the conditions to ask questions about new representative languages, with the understanding that, albeit free from localist drives, pavilions continue to be fundamental as instruments of identity assertion.

The Giardini of the Biennale di Venezia. Dialogue and Clashes between National and International Aspirations, an article by Supervoid+Friel published in Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory no. 1, "Supervenice", Iuav University of Venice.

The Giardini della Biennale, photos by Giorgio de Vecchi

Supervoid+Friel, EUPavilion workshop at Iuav Wave 2019 Summer Workshops

Supervoid+Friel, EUPavilion workshop at Iuav Wave 2019 Summer Workshops, booklet

Supervoid+Friel, EUPavilion workshop at Iuav Wave 2019 Summer Workshops