Idea by
Pedro Resende
RS Grupo
Call for ideas 2019
Form follows survival. Towards a (geo)architecture
Form follows survival. Towards a (geo)architecture

- Systemic changes
Regardless of the age we live in, we are able to grasp the knowledge of form and material that is essential to respond to human needs. Now, the most urgent need is to save the planet. As ever before, architecture follows human drive and, this time, form will follow survival.
To seek a new plan for the city and for the house is to study ways of freeing urban and rural space, so that it is possible to revert the artificialization of ground, increase biodiversity, achieve maximum plantation of autochthonous trees, and, at the same time, providing shelter and work opportunities to the urban dweller.
We propose a geoarchitecture of syntropy, a method of bigger awareness of the building’s environmental, communitary and economic consequences.

After having conversations with Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, I ended up thinking that the idea was to look at the structural and industrial aesthetics, and not to pursue the inside of the box modus operandi of the specialist.
Which led me to realize that the architect, through the holistic understanding of the construction, will help to clarify the problem of the house and the city.
Form follows survival. Towards a (geo)architecture
Form follows survival. Towards a (geo)architecture

- Systemic changes
Regardless of the age we live in, we are able to grasp the knowledge of form and material that is essential to respond to human needs. Now, the most urgent need is to save the planet. As ever before, architecture follows human drive and, this time, form will follow survival.
To seek a new plan for the city and for the house is to study ways of freeing urban and rural space, so that it is possible to revert the artificialization of ground, increase biodiversity, achieve maximum plantation of autochthonous trees, and, at the same time, providing shelter and work opportunities to the urban dweller.
We propose a geoarchitecture of syntropy, a method of bigger awareness of the building’s environmental, communitary and economic consequences.

After having conversations with Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, I ended up thinking that the idea was to look at the structural and industrial aesthetics, and not to pursue the inside of the box modus operandi of the specialist.
Which led me to realize that the architect, through the holistic understanding of the construction, will help to clarify the problem of the house and the city.