Idea by
Viviane El Kmati, Yara Feghali
Call for ideas 2020
Mediterranean Sea Diaries
Mediterranean Sea Diaries

- New alliances
Mediterranean Sea Diaries is an interactive documentary about the Anthropocene’s repercussions on the coast. Our research and design project imagines the future of post-human spaces like landfills and e-waste lands as a result of overproduction. Using the same artificial intelligence code that organizes logistics infrastructure, these spaces are generated as a cautionary tale of the Mediterranean coast near future. These spaces are based on recent events around the politics of waste management leading Lebanon to dump its waste in the Mediterranean Sea. It is crucial to address the physical waste produced by this shift where factories overproduce and dump their rapidly outdated items in spaces around our cities. Through the eyes of surveillance drones, we watch Amal and her trained dogs roam around garbage searching for early versions of flip-phones that have become extremely valuable due to their impossibility of being tracked.

Mediterranean Sea Diaries
Mediterranean Sea Diaries

- New alliances
Mediterranean Sea Diaries is an interactive documentary about the Anthropocene’s repercussions on the coast. Our research and design project imagines the future of post-human spaces like landfills and e-waste lands as a result of overproduction. Using the same artificial intelligence code that organizes logistics infrastructure, these spaces are generated as a cautionary tale of the Mediterranean coast near future. These spaces are based on recent events around the politics of waste management leading Lebanon to dump its waste in the Mediterranean Sea. It is crucial to address the physical waste produced by this shift where factories overproduce and dump their rapidly outdated items in spaces around our cities. Through the eyes of surveillance drones, we watch Amal and her trained dogs roam around garbage searching for early versions of flip-phones that have become extremely valuable due to their impossibility of being tracked.