Idea by
Jure Hrovat, Ana Kreč
svet vmes
Call for ideas 2019
The Loaded Nook
The Loaded Nook

- Systemic changes
Through self-initiated, built case studies, linked to oral histories retrieved from various stakeholders, this ongoing research project explores the spatial, social and learning potential of informal, left-over, ‘in-between’ spaces of existing, Slovene educational buildings.
By instigating a potential snowball effect – starting from one ‘Loaded Nook’ (a small but precisely positioned spatial intervention that triggers social change) to a ‘Family of Loaded Nooks’ (a series of intrarelated spatial interventions within one school building), ending with the ‘Society of Loaded Nooks’ (a larger network of intra and interrelated spatial interventions located at various school buildings), this research project looks at the sum of small spatial and social changes, speculating about their potential to instigate a debate on systemic change – the improvement of the outdated legislation that is 'suffocating' the development of new school typologies based on holistic educational values.

'The Loaded nook': Loggia, Renovation of the main entry hall, Ledina Grammar School in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014
Photo: Matevž Paternoster

'The Loaded nook': Alphabet, Transformation of an unused classroom and adjacent corridor attic space into pupil's room, using 25 letters of Slovene alphabet, Kranj Grammar School in Kranj, Slovenia, 2018
Photo: Matevž Paternoster

'Family of Loaded Nooks': A series of continuous intrarelated spatial interventions within one school building. Example taken from Ledina Grammar School in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where a series of loaded nooks was created between 2011 – 2018, ©svet vmes

‘Society of Loaded Nooks’: A wider network of intra and interrelated spatial interventions located at various schools around Slovenia, promoting pupils autonomous right to choose among diversity of activities in a particular time and place while being in a school institution. Examples taken from Ledina and Poljane Grammar School, Koseze Primary School in Ljubljana and Kranj Grammar School, Slovenia, ©svet vmes

'Theater of ongoing operations' (a wider network of interrelated spatial and research actions) where one establishes connections between different approaches of various stakeholders (headmasters, pupils, pedagogical staff and the policy makers), transgressing the borders of architectural discipline. ©svet vmes
The Loaded Nook
The Loaded Nook

- Systemic changes
Through self-initiated, built case studies, linked to oral histories retrieved from various stakeholders, this ongoing research project explores the spatial, social and learning potential of informal, left-over, ‘in-between’ spaces of existing, Slovene educational buildings.
By instigating a potential snowball effect – starting from one ‘Loaded Nook’ (a small but precisely positioned spatial intervention that triggers social change) to a ‘Family of Loaded Nooks’ (a series of intrarelated spatial interventions within one school building), ending with the ‘Society of Loaded Nooks’ (a larger network of intra and interrelated spatial interventions located at various school buildings), this research project looks at the sum of small spatial and social changes, speculating about their potential to instigate a debate on systemic change – the improvement of the outdated legislation that is 'suffocating' the development of new school typologies based on holistic educational values.

'The Loaded nook': Loggia, Renovation of the main entry hall, Ledina Grammar School in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014
Photo: Matevž Paternoster

'The Loaded nook': Alphabet, Transformation of an unused classroom and adjacent corridor attic space into pupil's room, using 25 letters of Slovene alphabet, Kranj Grammar School in Kranj, Slovenia, 2018
Photo: Matevž Paternoster

'Family of Loaded Nooks': A series of continuous intrarelated spatial interventions within one school building. Example taken from Ledina Grammar School in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where a series of loaded nooks was created between 2011 – 2018, ©svet vmes

‘Society of Loaded Nooks’: A wider network of intra and interrelated spatial interventions located at various schools around Slovenia, promoting pupils autonomous right to choose among diversity of activities in a particular time and place while being in a school institution. Examples taken from Ledina and Poljane Grammar School, Koseze Primary School in Ljubljana and Kranj Grammar School, Slovenia, ©svet vmes

'Theater of ongoing operations' (a wider network of interrelated spatial and research actions) where one establishes connections between different approaches of various stakeholders (headmasters, pupils, pedagogical staff and the policy makers), transgressing the borders of architectural discipline. ©svet vmes