Idea by
Tatjana Capuder Vidmar
Call for ideas 2017
A Space is not an Empty Void
A Space is not an Empty Void

Architecture is created where space meets matter. Space is not an Euclidean system, but belongs to the seemingly chaotic systems in which one characteristic is maintained, while everything else changes. It is called self-similarity. According to certain mathematical theories, space is four-dimensional. The four dimensions are not only a spatial concept, but could be considered as a type of consciousness, an awareness of greater complexities. In the cross-section of matter and dimensions of space the future architecture should be created.
Awareness of the facts about space would turn the future architecture from contemporary monolithic architectural sculptures which are usually not responding to space, to a space making architecture, creating spaces considering the self-similarity of spaces and in harmony with people, nature, matter, energy, time, culture and eternity of the universe.
A Space is not an Empty Void
A Space is not an Empty Void

Architecture is created where space meets matter. Space is not an Euclidean system, but belongs to the seemingly chaotic systems in which one characteristic is maintained, while everything else changes. It is called self-similarity. According to certain mathematical theories, space is four-dimensional. The four dimensions are not only a spatial concept, but could be considered as a type of consciousness, an awareness of greater complexities. In the cross-section of matter and dimensions of space the future architecture should be created.
Awareness of the facts about space would turn the future architecture from contemporary monolithic architectural sculptures which are usually not responding to space, to a space making architecture, creating spaces considering the self-similarity of spaces and in harmony with people, nature, matter, energy, time, culture and eternity of the universe.