Idea by
Adrien Durrmeyer, Martin Le Bourgeois & Max Turnheim
Call for ideas 2016

Thought and action upon concrete space can neither be autonomous, nor can one simply be the consequence of the other. The obvious entanglement of normative, representational and material laws implies an infinite feedback loop between their respective domains. The project of the modern order (unidirectional extension of thought onto matter) is obsolete.
It is precisely this project (modernity), which is contained in the “idea of a future of architecture”. Developing this theme stricto sensu would prolong our imprisonment inside the faith in an ordered project.
The clues pointing towards an emancipatory gesture lie in understanding order as a conservative or a reactionary project, in freeing oneself from any desire for future stability, in kick-starting unpredictability.
Architecture cannot be a top-down act; it must consist in local-to-global singularities, cuts through the fabric of space.
There can be no future. There can only be a constant reconfiguration of the horizon.

Video Credits
Heidecker, T. & Wareheim, E. [Adult Swim]. (2009). Daymare. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Student city

16 family-housing

Lake Park entrance

Industrial refurbishment

Thought and action upon concrete space can neither be autonomous, nor can one simply be the consequence of the other. The obvious entanglement of normative, representational and material laws implies an infinite feedback loop between their respective domains. The project of the modern order (unidirectional extension of thought onto matter) is obsolete.
It is precisely this project (modernity), which is contained in the “idea of a future of architecture”. Developing this theme stricto sensu would prolong our imprisonment inside the faith in an ordered project.
The clues pointing towards an emancipatory gesture lie in understanding order as a conservative or a reactionary project, in freeing oneself from any desire for future stability, in kick-starting unpredictability.
Architecture cannot be a top-down act; it must consist in local-to-global singularities, cuts through the fabric of space.
There can be no future. There can only be a constant reconfiguration of the horizon.

Video Credits
Heidecker, T. & Wareheim, E. [Adult Swim]. (2009). Daymare. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Student city

16 family-housing

Lake Park entrance

Industrial refurbishment