Idea by
Yilmaz Vurucu
Call for ideas 2017
Welcoming Seas
Welcoming Seas

The relationship between mass tourism and architecture is a vital issue in desperate need of exploration. Throughout coastal areas, small townships welcome the idea because it brings in revenue and creates jobs. Consequently, you can run into immense structures dominating the horizon and taking over public beaches while reshaping the ecology of small coastal communities.
Koper (Slovenia) is a beautiful town, with tight cobble stone streets and alleys, and a historical town center. Yet on its periphery, a new kind of development has sprawled, diminishing the charm of the small towns in the region.
Working with the locals and the University of Koper, I propose the creation of a documentary that will tackle the issue, provide alternative solitions and function as the basis for lectures at universities around Europe (with Austrian NGO wonderland, platform for European Architecture), while helping raise awareness about the issue through screenings at festivals.

An image from "the sea in me", a documentary about the Sinop, a small coastal town on the Turkish Black Sea Coast, facing similar problems as the issues proposed for this documentary.
Welcoming Seas
Welcoming Seas

The relationship between mass tourism and architecture is a vital issue in desperate need of exploration. Throughout coastal areas, small townships welcome the idea because it brings in revenue and creates jobs. Consequently, you can run into immense structures dominating the horizon and taking over public beaches while reshaping the ecology of small coastal communities.
Koper (Slovenia) is a beautiful town, with tight cobble stone streets and alleys, and a historical town center. Yet on its periphery, a new kind of development has sprawled, diminishing the charm of the small towns in the region.
Working with the locals and the University of Koper, I propose the creation of a documentary that will tackle the issue, provide alternative solitions and function as the basis for lectures at universities around Europe (with Austrian NGO wonderland, platform for European Architecture), while helping raise awareness about the issue through screenings at festivals.

An image from "the sea in me", a documentary about the Sinop, a small coastal town on the Turkish Black Sea Coast, facing similar problems as the issues proposed for this documentary.