Idea by
Claudia Ricciardi, Marco Tanzilli
Call for ideas 2020

- Systemic changes
Mass housing production has always been addressed to the “typical family”, generating a progressive homologation, that now needs to give the way to a tailored design process, starting from the choices of the one and activating a bottom-up process. But how is it possible to do that?
The real innovation is to bring people at the center of the building process as the aiming element. DiverCITY proposes an urban modular scheme, where diversification becomes the goal of a settlement representing the variety of contemporary society. The idea is to offer a toolkit of urban tiles that, by combining, gives life to an adaptive urban fabric, where individual differences are prized. Residential buildings moved from the traditional modularity, becoming flexible organization able to provide different spatial configurations.
Identification and diversification become the key points of an idea that It is not only the project of a building. It is more like re-thinking the way of doing things.

Services square

Urban street

Residential area

Public area

Public green area

- Systemic changes
Mass housing production has always been addressed to the “typical family”, generating a progressive homologation, that now needs to give the way to a tailored design process, starting from the choices of the one and activating a bottom-up process. But how is it possible to do that?
The real innovation is to bring people at the center of the building process as the aiming element. DiverCITY proposes an urban modular scheme, where diversification becomes the goal of a settlement representing the variety of contemporary society. The idea is to offer a toolkit of urban tiles that, by combining, gives life to an adaptive urban fabric, where individual differences are prized. Residential buildings moved from the traditional modularity, becoming flexible organization able to provide different spatial configurations.
Identification and diversification become the key points of an idea that It is not only the project of a building. It is more like re-thinking the way of doing things.

Services square

Urban street

Residential area

Public area

Public green area