Idea by
Andraž Podvez & Zala Bokal
Call for ideas 2020

- Site-specific cases
Urbanization of Gračanica means urbanization of an area which, following the Civil War, experienced a demographic explosion due to ethnic clashes thus unexpectedly took over the role of the capital of the Serbian population in Kosovo. Due to the crisis period, the village expanded uncontrollably, with extremely rapid population growth and the urbanization processes are running behind.
The idea is a creation of two urban areas, which are connected to the existing infrastructure and morphology, and with their form and layout, clean up the chaos in the space and direct the further development of the surrounding area.
The design aims to create a contemporary space that can compare with other places in the region. An example of a participatory approach, the planning evolution includes the residents in round tables and multiple presentations of the project and cooperation with the local Youth and Tourism Society, the Municipality, the Norwegian Embassy and two architectural faculties.

Directions for the interventions in the urban environment.

Two locations of the planned interventions = two urban centres.

Conceptual schemes.

City Center (situation).

Northern City Gate Center (situation).

- Site-specific cases
Urbanization of Gračanica means urbanization of an area which, following the Civil War, experienced a demographic explosion due to ethnic clashes thus unexpectedly took over the role of the capital of the Serbian population in Kosovo. Due to the crisis period, the village expanded uncontrollably, with extremely rapid population growth and the urbanization processes are running behind.
The idea is a creation of two urban areas, which are connected to the existing infrastructure and morphology, and with their form and layout, clean up the chaos in the space and direct the further development of the surrounding area.
The design aims to create a contemporary space that can compare with other places in the region. An example of a participatory approach, the planning evolution includes the residents in round tables and multiple presentations of the project and cooperation with the local Youth and Tourism Society, the Municipality, the Norwegian Embassy and two architectural faculties.

Directions for the interventions in the urban environment.

Two locations of the planned interventions = two urban centres.

Conceptual schemes.

City Center (situation).

Northern City Gate Center (situation).