Idea by
Andrea Govi, Matteo Gullo, Antonio La Marca, Valentina Cocco, Federica Giorgetta, Davide Masserini, Klaudio Muca, Filippo Oppiminti, Stella Porta, Diletta Trinari
Call for ideas 2018

The proposal works as a cluster of specific spaces, each designed by a different architect to recreate the diversity of the traditional street and then reassembled in the form of a building. The combination of form, dimension, position, connections, adaptability and view ensures the uniqueness of every space.
This multiplicity is monetised through the range of spatial characters offered, where different activities can take place. Each user can find a space able to fit his own needs and tailor it according to its degree of flexibility. This flexibility allows different uses in different time spans.
The density of the building avoids waste of space, fostering social connections through the sharing of the circulation elements.
The value of the space is maximised through a 24h set of activities and the density creates dialogue in-between these activities.The ever-changing performance of the building is the project itself.


The proposal works as a cluster of specific spaces, each designed by a different architect to recreate the diversity of the traditional street and then reassembled in the form of a building. The combination of form, dimension, position, connections, adaptability and view ensures the uniqueness of every space.
This multiplicity is monetised through the range of spatial characters offered, where different activities can take place. Each user can find a space able to fit his own needs and tailor it according to its degree of flexibility. This flexibility allows different uses in different time spans.
The density of the building avoids waste of space, fostering social connections through the sharing of the circulation elements.
The value of the space is maximised through a 24h set of activities and the density creates dialogue in-between these activities.The ever-changing performance of the building is the project itself.