Idea by
Kyle Miller
Call for ideas 2017
Acts of Appropriation
Acts of Appropriation

Acts of Appropriation is a pedagogical inquiry that seeks to demonstrate how the discipline of architecture is constantly revitalized by the recurrent collusion between history and design, and between analysis and projection. Inevitably influenced by contemporary concerns and techniques, speculative design inquiries challenge the vetted narratives embedded within the history of architecture. Likewise, history pressures contemporary work to acknowledge its sources of inspiration and to make a contribution to the broader discourse within which the work is subsumed. The dialogue between history and design produces rich narratives that simultaneously substantiate the relevance of contemporary work and facilitate continued interrogation of the most notable architectural acts.
Acts of Appropriation
Acts of Appropriation

Acts of Appropriation is a pedagogical inquiry that seeks to demonstrate how the discipline of architecture is constantly revitalized by the recurrent collusion between history and design, and between analysis and projection. Inevitably influenced by contemporary concerns and techniques, speculative design inquiries challenge the vetted narratives embedded within the history of architecture. Likewise, history pressures contemporary work to acknowledge its sources of inspiration and to make a contribution to the broader discourse within which the work is subsumed. The dialogue between history and design produces rich narratives that simultaneously substantiate the relevance of contemporary work and facilitate continued interrogation of the most notable architectural acts.