Idea by
Sam Eadington
Call for ideas 2019
I'm Gonna Build.
I'm Gonna Build.

- New alliances
As a designer I know all too well that the thoughts that surround a design can be more interesting than the design itself. I propose a meandering story through the minds of designers users, even the minds of the buildings themselves, to reveal the thought that is tethered to the physical. This will be an eclectic, playful and provocative journey through prose, interviews and poetry (see example in image), tying in projects from the open call. The aim is to create a lucid and articulate portrait of architectural thought lead by the medium of the word, so often an afterthought, a subsidiary to images employed merely to describe what can already be seen. Doubt, determination, fear and indecision are among the many ingredients that constitute architecture, and I hope to use this platform to drawn them into consciousness.

An example of a poem entitled 'I'm Gonna Build'.
I'm Gonna Build.
I'm Gonna Build.

- New alliances
As a designer I know all too well that the thoughts that surround a design can be more interesting than the design itself. I propose a meandering story through the minds of designers users, even the minds of the buildings themselves, to reveal the thought that is tethered to the physical. This will be an eclectic, playful and provocative journey through prose, interviews and poetry (see example in image), tying in projects from the open call. The aim is to create a lucid and articulate portrait of architectural thought lead by the medium of the word, so often an afterthought, a subsidiary to images employed merely to describe what can already be seen. Doubt, determination, fear and indecision are among the many ingredients that constitute architecture, and I hope to use this platform to drawn them into consciousness.

An example of a poem entitled 'I'm Gonna Build'.