Idea by
Adam David
Humanity Connective
Call for ideas 2018
Suburban Autonomy
Suburban Autonomy

Architects may shape the suburbs but it is the rich who employ them and within a capitalist society the profit driven psychology of developers is inevitable. If then architects wish to seriously address real world issues and positively influence society we must rethink architectural funding and regain control of our industry. Social media has rendered this an actionable concept offering the formation of a broader, humanitarian mindset for the crowdsourced construction of new wave, off-grid living environments for people not profit.
The bio-fuelled operation of uniquely configured, sustainable technologies within such environments will soon supersede our antiquated infrastructure to autonomously fulfil basic physiological needs through the onsite provision of clean energy, food and water as human rights. Free of major monthly outgoings residents may choose to reduce otherwise compulsory working hours to focus on interests that lead to self-actualisation and a healthier state of mind.

Social inequality and economic disparity are congenital diseases of capitalism. The individual ownership of land and construction of homes by the rich invariably leads to the enslavement of residents that have little choice but to work for the rich and pay for the privilege. Rather than fighting this model how might we use our money more wisely to remove our dependence on it for survival?

At great environmental cost we import oil based plastics and preserved foods that could be locally and cleanly produced, use endless pipes to supply homes with contaminated water and burn fossil fuels to primitively transmit electricity that could be locally generated. Conversely the integration of specific technologies within living environments would offer an endless source of hydration, sanitation and nourishment yielding the raw ingredients for a continuous supply of energy and bioplastic.

Primarily composed of productive, living, creative and industrial space the program is initially configured for small suburban sites before awareness and momentum is built for master planning exercises. Creative living environments are surrounded by productive labs and biomes providing organic fuel for the machinary housed within industrial spaces.

The architectural placement of a preliminary design study in Leyton, East London offers a provocative location for challenging the gentrification that sweeps the suburb.

Suburban Autonomy
Suburban Autonomy

Architects may shape the suburbs but it is the rich who employ them and within a capitalist society the profit driven psychology of developers is inevitable. If then architects wish to seriously address real world issues and positively influence society we must rethink architectural funding and regain control of our industry. Social media has rendered this an actionable concept offering the formation of a broader, humanitarian mindset for the crowdsourced construction of new wave, off-grid living environments for people not profit.
The bio-fuelled operation of uniquely configured, sustainable technologies within such environments will soon supersede our antiquated infrastructure to autonomously fulfil basic physiological needs through the onsite provision of clean energy, food and water as human rights. Free of major monthly outgoings residents may choose to reduce otherwise compulsory working hours to focus on interests that lead to self-actualisation and a healthier state of mind.

Social inequality and economic disparity are congenital diseases of capitalism. The individual ownership of land and construction of homes by the rich invariably leads to the enslavement of residents that have little choice but to work for the rich and pay for the privilege. Rather than fighting this model how might we use our money more wisely to remove our dependence on it for survival?

At great environmental cost we import oil based plastics and preserved foods that could be locally and cleanly produced, use endless pipes to supply homes with contaminated water and burn fossil fuels to primitively transmit electricity that could be locally generated. Conversely the integration of specific technologies within living environments would offer an endless source of hydration, sanitation and nourishment yielding the raw ingredients for a continuous supply of energy and bioplastic.

Primarily composed of productive, living, creative and industrial space the program is initially configured for small suburban sites before awareness and momentum is built for master planning exercises. Creative living environments are surrounded by productive labs and biomes providing organic fuel for the machinary housed within industrial spaces.

The architectural placement of a preliminary design study in Leyton, East London offers a provocative location for challenging the gentrification that sweeps the suburb.