Idea by
Alex Djuric
Call for ideas 2017
City of Gardens : Firenze, Italy
City of Gardens : Firenze, Italy

‘City of Gardens’ is a radical exploration in vertical gardening and the ability of old cites, like Florence, to adapt to new technologies. My proposal is for the city of Florence, but the concept could be applied globally to any city. What I am proposing in Florence is a large scale intervention, a continuous wall of vegetation, that adapts to the local conditions of each street and piazza. Other than the gardening aspect, the proposal is a vertical park that links all the significant places in the city. The 'wall' is also a botanical garden and can display vegetation within the structure. For example, a cafe on the piazza, can grow teas and coffee in the wall locally or a library may have a secluded reading space within a rare plants section. The creation of spaces immersed in vegetation promotes clean air and various other gardens give tourist new ways to view old attractions. 'City of Gardens' inspires culture and interaction for all in the community.

City of Gardens : Firenze, Italy
City of Gardens : Firenze, Italy

‘City of Gardens’ is a radical exploration in vertical gardening and the ability of old cites, like Florence, to adapt to new technologies. My proposal is for the city of Florence, but the concept could be applied globally to any city. What I am proposing in Florence is a large scale intervention, a continuous wall of vegetation, that adapts to the local conditions of each street and piazza. Other than the gardening aspect, the proposal is a vertical park that links all the significant places in the city. The 'wall' is also a botanical garden and can display vegetation within the structure. For example, a cafe on the piazza, can grow teas and coffee in the wall locally or a library may have a secluded reading space within a rare plants section. The creation of spaces immersed in vegetation promotes clean air and various other gardens give tourist new ways to view old attractions. 'City of Gardens' inspires culture and interaction for all in the community.