Idea by
Marko Gavrilović
Call for ideas 2016
Carfree City
Carfree City

The City is a scenography of our lives. That is a place we start our journey from, and to which we return to... Our first momories and most of our experiences are conected to the city we are born to. And so the way we observe and act in the world around us, is greatly influenced by it.
What makes a city, before all physical characteristics, are people we meet on it’s streets. If you strip a city of its people, you will get a so called ghost-town. If you make a city where most of the public spaces is reserved for moving and parked cars, you will get a city of today. Those are cities that are still made of people, but people that are disconnected by streets (that should have connected them), people that are slowed down by traffic (that should have made them faster), people agonized by polluted air and noise, they have stopped noticing. Today we would all rather live outside of the city, if we could give up its benefits: job opportunities, meeting other people, cultural offer, etc.

Carfree City
Carfree City

The City is a scenography of our lives. That is a place we start our journey from, and to which we return to... Our first momories and most of our experiences are conected to the city we are born to. And so the way we observe and act in the world around us, is greatly influenced by it.
What makes a city, before all physical characteristics, are people we meet on it’s streets. If you strip a city of its people, you will get a so called ghost-town. If you make a city where most of the public spaces is reserved for moving and parked cars, you will get a city of today. Those are cities that are still made of people, but people that are disconnected by streets (that should have connected them), people that are slowed down by traffic (that should have made them faster), people agonized by polluted air and noise, they have stopped noticing. Today we would all rather live outside of the city, if we could give up its benefits: job opportunities, meeting other people, cultural offer, etc.