Idea by
Katharina Benjamin, Angelika Hinterbrandner
Call for ideas 2019
New Order
New Order

- Systemic changes
After #MeToo reached architecture in 2018 we saw half-heard apologies and slow – if any – reaction of institutions, companies and media. Genius culture and unhealthy workloads are still part of the myth, we are taught in architecture schools. Many architects (woman as well as men) are left in the working world asking: Now what?
We believe that we need new ways to discuss and communicate architecture. We want to put topics on the agenda that are important for our generation of upcoming architects: What are the conditions we want to work under? What is our agency? What systems are we responding to? How do we define good architecture?
Existing structures in our field are outdated. But change can’t happen without asking and discussing fundamental questions. The upcoming architects, designers and thinkers of generation Y are searching for meaning in their lives beside the path of promise capitalism gave them. This is what we want to foster: Actors of our generation that speak up.

work ethics in architecture

unpaid work & internships

gender equality in architecture

New Order
New Order

- Systemic changes
After #MeToo reached architecture in 2018 we saw half-heard apologies and slow – if any – reaction of institutions, companies and media. Genius culture and unhealthy workloads are still part of the myth, we are taught in architecture schools. Many architects (woman as well as men) are left in the working world asking: Now what?
We believe that we need new ways to discuss and communicate architecture. We want to put topics on the agenda that are important for our generation of upcoming architects: What are the conditions we want to work under? What is our agency? What systems are we responding to? How do we define good architecture?
Existing structures in our field are outdated. But change can’t happen without asking and discussing fundamental questions. The upcoming architects, designers and thinkers of generation Y are searching for meaning in their lives beside the path of promise capitalism gave them. This is what we want to foster: Actors of our generation that speak up.

work ethics in architecture

unpaid work & internships

gender equality in architecture
