Idea by
off_gallery graz
off_gallery graz
Call for ideas 2020
On the Edge of the Critical Zone
On the Edge of the Critical Zone

- Site-specific cases
Through photography exhibitions, artist talks, and meetings, the project off_gallery graz investigates the educational and emancipatory potential of artistic research in architecture and urban planning.
Architecture photography is hereby explored as an agent of focusing attention and gathering consciousness, and provoking debate, rather than a presentational or marketing tool.
off_gallery graz follows the premise that a substantial development of the city - as an opposite to the neoliberal gentrification - is based on the inclusion of citizens, education, and inter-cultural dialog.

Crossing borders

Let's talk about - artist talks

In the critical zone - Griesgasse

Exchanging stories and learning from each other
On the Edge of the Critical Zone
On the Edge of the Critical Zone

- Site-specific cases
Through photography exhibitions, artist talks, and meetings, the project off_gallery graz investigates the educational and emancipatory potential of artistic research in architecture and urban planning.
Architecture photography is hereby explored as an agent of focusing attention and gathering consciousness, and provoking debate, rather than a presentational or marketing tool.
off_gallery graz follows the premise that a substantial development of the city - as an opposite to the neoliberal gentrification - is based on the inclusion of citizens, education, and inter-cultural dialog.

Crossing borders

Let's talk about - artist talks

In the critical zone - Griesgasse

Exchanging stories and learning from each other