Idea by
cássio sauer
Call for ideas 2020
architecture vs scarcity
architecture vs scarcity

- New alliances
Scarcity is a main condition in our contemporary world, a defining aspect of this post-crash era that shapes our relationship with the environment, the economics and politics and permeates our daily lives, whether it is understood as an economic concept or as a daily reality. The last century witnessed the progressive affluence of Economics above all other disciplines. More and more influential it has also become a centerpiece in political games, public policy making and also architecture.
Architecture vs Scarcity is a research that comprehend a contemporary production in the Latin American territory, a production that mainly stands out for its architectural quality and for being innately linked with the characteristic constraints that distinguish peripheral countries. As an initial study of this recent phenomenon, it establishes a practical-theoretical panorama in order to catalogue its main works and define its characteristics, discourses, and strategies.

The significantly population growth, the extreme urban sprawl and the irrational use of limited resources constantly made us live in a reality permeated by inequalities and contradictions.
The Earth and The Moon / Apollo 11 © NASA

Natural disasters, wars, political humanitarian and religious crisis, migrations, economic crisis and a series of other factors are shaping the beginning of this new century conditioning us to live in a world of scarcity.
Pabellón 120 / Sebastián Irarrázaval © Felipe Fontecilla

Latin American architects has historically been used to deal with this kind of problems regarding the lack of resources and economic instability. In the last years a remarkable contemporary production has been made in this territory.
Casa Bola / Eduardo Longo
Pabellón de Helio / GA estudio © Bruno Lança

This research is a collection of impressive built architectures that are changing realities, searching to overcome scarcity.
Looking for strategies that can be replicate in other parts of the globe.
© Smiljan Radic / © Gustavo Frittegotto / © Cristobal Palma / © Nelson Kon / © Grupo Talca / © Fran Parente / © Javier Rodríguez Acevedo

A search for an architecture that make sense. Architectures built with low resources, with inventiveness and social concern, that make sense with the historic-geographic-politic-economical context, that make sense in relation to the users, to climate, to urban integration, to local culture and to the availability of human and material resources. Pertinent architectures, that promote access and inclusion.
El Taller / Daniel Moreno Flores © Federico Cairoli
architecture vs scarcity
architecture vs scarcity

- New alliances
Scarcity is a main condition in our contemporary world, a defining aspect of this post-crash era that shapes our relationship with the environment, the economics and politics and permeates our daily lives, whether it is understood as an economic concept or as a daily reality. The last century witnessed the progressive affluence of Economics above all other disciplines. More and more influential it has also become a centerpiece in political games, public policy making and also architecture.
Architecture vs Scarcity is a research that comprehend a contemporary production in the Latin American territory, a production that mainly stands out for its architectural quality and for being innately linked with the characteristic constraints that distinguish peripheral countries. As an initial study of this recent phenomenon, it establishes a practical-theoretical panorama in order to catalogue its main works and define its characteristics, discourses, and strategies.

The significantly population growth, the extreme urban sprawl and the irrational use of limited resources constantly made us live in a reality permeated by inequalities and contradictions.
The Earth and The Moon / Apollo 11 © NASA

Natural disasters, wars, political humanitarian and religious crisis, migrations, economic crisis and a series of other factors are shaping the beginning of this new century conditioning us to live in a world of scarcity.
Pabellón 120 / Sebastián Irarrázaval © Felipe Fontecilla

Latin American architects has historically been used to deal with this kind of problems regarding the lack of resources and economic instability. In the last years a remarkable contemporary production has been made in this territory.
Casa Bola / Eduardo Longo
Pabellón de Helio / GA estudio © Bruno Lança

This research is a collection of impressive built architectures that are changing realities, searching to overcome scarcity.
Looking for strategies that can be replicate in other parts of the globe.
© Smiljan Radic / © Gustavo Frittegotto / © Cristobal Palma / © Nelson Kon / © Grupo Talca / © Fran Parente / © Javier Rodríguez Acevedo

A search for an architecture that make sense. Architectures built with low resources, with inventiveness and social concern, that make sense with the historic-geographic-politic-economical context, that make sense in relation to the users, to climate, to urban integration, to local culture and to the availability of human and material resources. Pertinent architectures, that promote access and inclusion.
El Taller / Daniel Moreno Flores © Federico Cairoli