Idea by
miljena vuckovic
Call for ideas 2021
Internet as a landscape of care (and struggle)
Internet as a landscape of care (and struggle)

- New alliances
Idea I challenge is how building politics influence the forming of various online groups and how landscapes formed by these groups are influencing built space. Last few years, this phenomenon of online groups is growing, not just due to the restricted mobility in 2020. Groups gathered around different causes initiate changes, support each other, educate, etc. - serving as a new kind of “square” - space of dialogue, collectiveness, collaboration and human interaction.
Several questions come to mind - is this online landscape adding to the physical environment or is it weakening live reactions, thus preventing any long term change? Is “liking” and commenting enough for conscience “washing”? Could the internet as a landscape of care and various civic and activistic initiatives change the way cities are built in the future, making architecture democratic, based on the needs of users and less profit-oriented? How to harness and channel human capital gathered in online metacity space?

Destroying pipes of mini hydropowerplants on Stara Planina

Screenshot of CITIZENS GROUP "malo smo nadogradili" - ABOUT ILLEGAL BUILDING in Belgrade Serbia

HUMANITAR LICITATIONS - screebshot of group dedicated to CROWDSOURCING for expencive medicine procedures (mostly for children)

Screenshot - CITIZENS MOVEMENTS - PROTECT RIVERS OF STARA MOUNTAIN - odbranimo reke Stare Planine

Screen shot of a page of a group - CITIZENS MOVEMENT - PROTECTION OF FRUŠKA GORA FORESTS - pokret OŠFG
Internet as a landscape of care (and struggle)
Internet as a landscape of care (and struggle)

- New alliances
Idea I challenge is how building politics influence the forming of various online groups and how landscapes formed by these groups are influencing built space. Last few years, this phenomenon of online groups is growing, not just due to the restricted mobility in 2020. Groups gathered around different causes initiate changes, support each other, educate, etc. - serving as a new kind of “square” - space of dialogue, collectiveness, collaboration and human interaction.
Several questions come to mind - is this online landscape adding to the physical environment or is it weakening live reactions, thus preventing any long term change? Is “liking” and commenting enough for conscience “washing”? Could the internet as a landscape of care and various civic and activistic initiatives change the way cities are built in the future, making architecture democratic, based on the needs of users and less profit-oriented? How to harness and channel human capital gathered in online metacity space?

Destroying pipes of mini hydropowerplants on Stara Planina

Screenshot of CITIZENS GROUP "malo smo nadogradili" - ABOUT ILLEGAL BUILDING in Belgrade Serbia

HUMANITAR LICITATIONS - screebshot of group dedicated to CROWDSOURCING for expencive medicine procedures (mostly for children)

Screenshot - CITIZENS MOVEMENTS - PROTECT RIVERS OF STARA MOUNTAIN - odbranimo reke Stare Planine

Screen shot of a page of a group - CITIZENS MOVEMENT - PROTECTION OF FRUŠKA GORA FORESTS - pokret OŠFG