Idea by
Paula V. Álvarez
Call for ideas 2019
Critical Hospitality: architectural Design as editing Practice
Critical Hospitality: architectural Design as editing Practice
- Systemic changes
We advocate for an ecology of the rejected by exploring architectural works from the point of view of Critical Hospitality. This notion challenges the prevailing cultural perspective in the theory of architectural practice at the turn of the 21th c.: a pervasive hermetism that oscillates between the formal and the pragmatic. Confronted with Critical Hospitality, Architectural Hermetism reveals itself as a form of systemic imbalance, explicit in the regime of value established by specialized media’s editorial design protocols and implicit in architecture. Borrowing the common standpoints that connect Cultural Studies and Media Ecology, we will discuss editing as an ecopolitical horizon for architectural imagination. An open cartography of the silenced and the misunderstood about and in the architectural transformation of our environments would emerge, also practical ways to balance neglected regimes of value, as a premise for susteneability.
Critical Hospitality: architectural Design as editing Practice
Critical Hospitality: architectural Design as editing Practice
- Systemic changes
We advocate for an ecology of the rejected by exploring architectural works from the point of view of Critical Hospitality. This notion challenges the prevailing cultural perspective in the theory of architectural practice at the turn of the 21th c.: a pervasive hermetism that oscillates between the formal and the pragmatic. Confronted with Critical Hospitality, Architectural Hermetism reveals itself as a form of systemic imbalance, explicit in the regime of value established by specialized media’s editorial design protocols and implicit in architecture. Borrowing the common standpoints that connect Cultural Studies and Media Ecology, we will discuss editing as an ecopolitical horizon for architectural imagination. An open cartography of the silenced and the misunderstood about and in the architectural transformation of our environments would emerge, also practical ways to balance neglected regimes of value, as a premise for susteneability.