Join the 2019 Future Architecture Fair
Future Architecture Fair provides a forum for architects or architecture offices, institutions, curators and other professionals to present their projects, meet partners and stay abreast of the latest developments in architecture. Do not miss the opportunity to connect with Future Architecture audience!
The open forum, part of Creative Exchange 2019 taking place from 13-15 FEB 2019 at MAO, Ljubljana, will provide cultural operators and emerging creatives in architecture an opportunity to present their work to the Future Architecture audience, meet partners and examine opportunities, while the audiences will have the chance to explore the latest in the field ofarchitecture and urban planning.
The highlight of the fair will be the Pitch Cocktails, an evening event, where organisations and individuals will introduce themselves and their work in short 5-minute presentations. Cocktails included!
Technical information of the venue:
- the event will take place in Južna dvorana (Southern hall, approx. 5 x 15 m), one of the main event spaces at MAO;
- each participant should bring visual materials for the exhibiting and representation of their work;
- Pitch Cocktails – fast 5-minute presentations by each Fair participant, will be held Thursday, 14 February, as part of the official conference programme
- the event space will be equipped with tables/stands, projector, microphone and sound, light, and a lounge area for informal meetings and presentations
In order to participate at the fair, you need to register by sending an e-mail to
Registration will be open until 6 February 2019. The number of participants at the Architecture Fair is limited and will be selected by MAO. MAO and Future Architecture do not cover travel or accomodation expenses.
Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of some Future Architecture opportunities!