Ten Points of Reflection
We invite some of the most prominent thinkers of the present to dive in the Future Architecture ideas repository and reflect on the work of an emerging generation of creatives striving for positive change. The valuable document was publicly presented by Stojan Pelko on the 2018 Creative Exchange in MAO Ljubljana.

"Ten Points of Reflection
I was tasked by Future Architecture Platform to read and compare all 215 entries of the 2018 call in order to try to detect the tendencies common among them.
This is what I presented to the participants of the 2018 Creative Exchange conference at the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana, on Friday, 16 February 2018.
1. Can reflection be effected without a mirror?
I deliberately decided for a total absence of any representational tool – show-reels, slide-shows, power-points – that would replace pure, speculative exercise. There are surely other ways to scan and discern the common caracteristics of all entries in order to grasp some major tendencies.
One may think of a cloud of the most commonly used words, others may program certain statistics of topics to determine their frequency – but this is not how you grasp the essence. The essence is never an average, the essence is the excess – what sticks out, what hurts the eye, what makes the thought think.
So, if you expect the mirror reflection, think instead about the mirrors in vampire movies: the scariest moment is not what you see, but when you don't see yourself in the mirror where you expect to, inside the traditional frame. The absence of your image is the sign of the radical transformation of your own being. You are not what you expected to be.
2. How do ideas present themselves?
Speaking of representation and images, let us move half a step closer to the ideas presented. What tools did the ideas have at hand to present themselves? ..."
Continue reading: 2018 Annaul Reflection Summary by Stojan Pelko
Watch the video: Public presentation by Stojan Pelko
Creative Exchange is the most insightful annual gathering of architecture lovers and professionals and is held every February in Ljubljana. It brings together platform members and 25 of the most progressive emerging talents selected through the Call for Ideas. It offers opportunities to connect and keep up with the latest developments and tendencies in architecture
It marks the start of the European Architecture Program, a series of the most significant and interconnected architectural happenings and events in Europe.