Speculative Scenarios of Affordable Housing on Rohan Island

The workshop is divided into two parts:
June 1–5, 2020 – first part of the workshop, online, this will include two online seminars, presentations of each creative, working in groups, every creative will work with their own group on one topic listed above
June 10–11, 2020 – the second part of the workshop, finishing the projects, this part will take place in Kasárna Karlín, final presentations
Online preparatory workshop, 1 - 5 June 2020
Online seminars on three speculative scenarios of affordable housing
Through three speculative scenarios, the participants will test individually new imaginaries and narratives to reach affordable housing. In the first part of the online seminar, each guest tutor will give a presentation on a project related to the scenario through which they will offer a methodology on how to create narratives for affordable housing. In the second part, each student will present speculation, which will be then discussed at the seminar with the guest tutor and the fellow participants.
Scenario Regulation: What would be the ideal regulations and/or urban plan for affordable housing? What regulations and/or urban plans are needed to implement affordable housing?
with Goda Verikaite (Rotterdam)
on Thursday and Friday, 4 - 5 June 2020
inspired by her project Recycling Utopia – Exploring (im)possible futures of Socialist mass housing in Lithuania
Goda Verikaite (Rotterdam): Spatial designer, member of experimental platform No Purpose which seeks more process-orientated spatial practices. www.nopurposecollective.com
Scenario Negotiations: In relation to the private sector, what strategies and/or tactics does the city or its inhabitants have in order to reach affordable housing?
with Benedikt Hartl (Munich)
on Wednesday and Friday, 3 and 5 June 2020
inspired by his project Affordable Palace: Buckingham palace
Benedikt Hartl (Munich): Architect, founder of Opposite Office, a studio that works on the boundaries of reality and fiction. www.oppositeoffice.com
Scenario Typology: What architectural typology brings accessible housing in the 21st century?
with William Maddinson (Edinburgh)
on Monday and Friday, 1 and 5 June 2020
inspired by his projet Future Estate: A Blueprint for Affordable Housing through New Economics
William Maddinson (Edinburgh): Architect concerned with new economic and fairer models and housing systems. www.futureestate.co.uk
Karlín workshop, 10 - 11 June 2020
Workshop on three speculative scenarios of affordable housing in Karlín
Through the already introduced speculative scenarios, the participants will test new imaginaries and narratives to reach affordable housing in Karlín. The future developing area in the center of Prague – Rohan Island in the Karlín district – is an opportunity to challenge the current housing crisis. The workshop is organized along with the exhibition Karlín Ex/Change and will hence deal with the consequences of the privatization of the housing fund and the gentrification in the post-socialist city; the latter being defined by an asymmetrical power relationship between the municipality and the private sector.
A walk through the neighborhood will be given by architect Jakub Nakládal from the initiative Paměť města.
The aim of the workshop is to test potential narratives where the city and architects can imagine a neighborhood that will be accessible to all.
With an introduction by Maroš Krivý, the magazine will gather essays by the guest tutors Goda Verikaite, Benedikt Hartl, and William Maddinson, dealing with the topic of affordable housing through their speculative projects, information and data on Karlín from the exhibition Karlín Ex/Change and the outputs from the workshop, both individual from the online seminars and the collective projects from the Karlin workshop. The magazine will be then sent to the Prague municipalities, urban actors and around Karlin.
The workshop is free and will be conducted in English.
Registeration: info@vipergallery.org
Registration deadline: 30 May 2020
Organization: Eliška Málková, Lynda Zein + VI PER Gallery