Film x Architecture: Exploring the Intersection of Film and Landscape architecture from a designers' perspective
The summer school and its invited lectures are to establish and stimulate new learnings, innovations, perspectives and positions within the field of architecture and film, and hence provoke new interdisciplinary and creative thinking.

Copenhagen Architecture Festival (CAFx) will run a summer school in 2021 in close collaboration with the University of Copenhagen and Future Architecture member BINA in Belgrade on the overall theme ‘Landscape of care’. It will be the festival’s 6th edition of a film and architecture summer school. The summer school will take place over the course of ten days in Copenhagen between July and September 2021.
“We are looking for emerging talents who can contribute to the course, either on the lecturing side, as a participant, or both.”
The two summer schools will plan and communicate their programs accordingly in order to enable students to participate in both courses and to get the maximum results of the collaboration. CAFx and BINA will thus launch a joint Open Call for both summer schools. It is not mandatory to participate in both.
The CAFx course described below focuses on the intersection of film and landscape architecture from a designer’s perspective. It is a studio course that explores the landscape architectural design process through the use of media mediations, especially the film medium.
Film as a medium emphasizes time, sound and human-context interrelationships that are key subjects for the landscape architectural agenda and its innovation. Throughout the design process, shifts between several media — drawing, photography, text — take place in an iterative process and we will explore these shifts in relation to filmmaking during the course.
The summer course is organized as filmic methodological investigations in the landscape design process. The media shifts are studied for capacities of sensory-aesthetic analysis, sensation and communication of atmospheres in casu landscape architectural qualities.
The course will examine how such media mediations can generate or empower new values in landscape architectural design. Moreover, it will train the participants in rethinking the parameters and potential scope of the design process through the media used favoring film and reflect its impact on the design process.
The course situates itself around these research questions: What defines a spatial condition? How can you conceive spatial conditions through film – relative to drawing, model, photography, and materials?
The work between and with a mix of media embeds the following themes and methodological actions: Bodily gaze, Transition, Transposition, Installation. The work is supplemented by screenings of films and relevant theoretical reading sessions and will result in a film made by each of the participants.
The summer school and its invited lectures are to establish and stimulate new learnings, innovations, perspectives and positions within the field of architecture and film, and hence provoke new interdisciplinary and creative thinking.
2021 CAFx Summer School is organised together with BINA/Future Architecture Platform Film Summer School, MAXXI Museum of 21st Century Arts in Rome and the Oslo Architecture Triennial (OAT).
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