Publishing Acts
Under the title of Publishing Acts the Association of Istrian Architects (DAI-SAI) is organizing an “a-festival” (as in anti-festival, activist-festival, architecture-festival) on the positions of engaged artists and architects and their search for collective action targeted at social change.

The event is conceived as a heterotopic site, an expanding territory “locally inside and conceptually outside,” that explores various forms of engagement: from indigenous vanguard movements of the 20th century to transnational “critical spatial praxis” of the present. Understanding the mode through which the contemporary society functions, the Publishing Acts investigate social, economic and political realities in an exhibition (The Art of the Collective – Case Zemlja), public lectures (Social engagement in architecture in the 30ies, Architecture and colonialism), a book promotion (Architecture is a worldmaking art), and a hybrid workshop of the same title.
Half public performance, half intra-active workshop, the central program of the Publishing Acts is an experiment that consists of setting up a temporary editorial office to produce instant, collaborative, open-end printed matter. The publication is conceived as a “social object”: on the one hand it instigates collaborative sites of investigation, negotiation and knowledge exchange during its production; and on the other hand it is transferring the energy and meaning it contains within the gestural act of being passed on from one person to the other. As a singular gesture, that induces a latent collective action, a very personal distribution of printed papers signifies agency of the most expressive and potent kind. By challenging social norms and indifference towards social engagement, the Publishing Acts embrace the political, the artistic, and the defiant.
The experiment is carried out with citizens contributing to the process, during a three-day publishing laboratory set in Praksa premises, in Pula and coordinated by a small group of “architectural editors” (Future Architecture emerging authors). It consists of three stages: the first act being the Publishing Site (negotiation of agency, transversal processes of knowledge exchange), second act the Publishing Works (intermedia production), and the third “concluding” with the Publishing Acts (delivery of “street sheets”). The entire set of Publishing Acts, as a site-specific “social choreography,” is a test ground for future Future Architecture - DAI-SAI pamphlet series under the title of Spatial Practicum, a new print edition on contemporary, and potentially radical, transformations of the architectural discipline.
A-Festival Events:
Publishing Acts
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1 – 3 June, MMC Luka, Istarska 30, Pula
workshop with : Léopold Lambert (The Funambulist), Fosco Lucarelli and Mariabruna Fabrizi (Microcities), Rebekka Kiesewetter (DEPOT BASEL), Sofia Dona (Co-Hab Athens), Mika Savela and Henrik Drufva (Selim)
Léopold Lambert: Architecture and Colonialism
Thursday, 1 June at 19.00, MMC Luka, Istarska 30, Pula, Croatia
Lecture (in English)
[BLOK] - Lokalna baza za osvježavanje kulture: The Art of the Collective – Case Zemlja (eng. Earth)
Friday, 2 June at 19.00, MMC Luka, Istarska 30, Pula
Exhibition Opening
Tamara Bjazic Klarin: Social Engagments in Architecture in 1930's
Friday, 2 June at 20.00, MMC Luka, Istarska 30, Pula
Lecture (in Croatian.)
Promotion of the DOBROLET Library - a space of architectural criticism
Saturday, 3 June at 11.00, Galerija Cvajner, Forum 2, Pula
With Ivana Perica, Emil Jurcan, Luka Skansi
Concept and organisation: Ana Dana Beroš and Emil Jurcan
More at DAI-SAI.