Idea by
Luis Bautista Harris, Pablo Castillo Luna, Ernesto Ibáñez Galindo, Héctor Suárez González
á la sauvette
Call for ideas 2021
Dance is politics
Dance is politics

- Systemic changes
We understand access to public space and celebration as an inalienable right of society. But, what kind of party do we expect in the post-COVID world? Countless oppressed groups have been forced to find their spaces in the absence of a welcoming 'official' leisure model, therefore self-organized celebrations served as an escape valve.
We must find a party model compatible with a delicate social and sanitary situation. Social distancing creates a void between us destined to be unused, but why not take advantage of it and fill it with nature?
We propose a system made of a physical component and a virtual one in continuous feedback. The physical part is a system of pots that move automatically to create various groupings of vegetation to limit agglomerations and ensure social distancing. The virtual one consists of a central system for analyzing and managing the data collected through sensors, which transmit real-time information to each pot on where to move in the urban space.

Dance is politics
Dance is politics

- Systemic changes
We understand access to public space and celebration as an inalienable right of society. But, what kind of party do we expect in the post-COVID world? Countless oppressed groups have been forced to find their spaces in the absence of a welcoming 'official' leisure model, therefore self-organized celebrations served as an escape valve.
We must find a party model compatible with a delicate social and sanitary situation. Social distancing creates a void between us destined to be unused, but why not take advantage of it and fill it with nature?
We propose a system made of a physical component and a virtual one in continuous feedback. The physical part is a system of pots that move automatically to create various groupings of vegetation to limit agglomerations and ensure social distancing. The virtual one consists of a central system for analyzing and managing the data collected through sensors, which transmit real-time information to each pot on where to move in the urban space.