Idea by
Agustin Schang
Call for ideas 2020
Ways of Treating Buildings In Order to See Them
Ways of Treating Buildings In Order to See Them

- Site-specific cases
In 1974, George Maciunas, the Fluxus' founder, helped a group of artists acquire the 537 Broadway building in New York. The site became a base for an artists' community that worked outside the conventional borders of the art system. A compact space was created for the Fluxus diaspora, a site for experiments, where music, poetry, video and performance can still be seen and heard today. Using cultural infiltration this project explores a unique site and the events that took place in it. The blurred division between art and life, the impossible permanence of certain artistic works in designated spaces, early experimental events –all of these were considered as the departure point to examine the multiple overlapping at 537 Broadway. 'Ways of Treating…' focuses on different archival, caring, and affection readings. Numerous tools for biographical, archeological, public, and personal provocations helped understand how a dormant building could be activated for a liminal interval of time.

537 Broadway

537 Broadway

The EHF Dinner Series, 2013-2015

Ways of Treating Buildings in Order to See Them, 2015

EHF Collection Exhibition, Public Program, 2017
Ways of Treating Buildings In Order to See Them
Ways of Treating Buildings In Order to See Them

- Site-specific cases
In 1974, George Maciunas, the Fluxus' founder, helped a group of artists acquire the 537 Broadway building in New York. The site became a base for an artists' community that worked outside the conventional borders of the art system. A compact space was created for the Fluxus diaspora, a site for experiments, where music, poetry, video and performance can still be seen and heard today. Using cultural infiltration this project explores a unique site and the events that took place in it. The blurred division between art and life, the impossible permanence of certain artistic works in designated spaces, early experimental events –all of these were considered as the departure point to examine the multiple overlapping at 537 Broadway. 'Ways of Treating…' focuses on different archival, caring, and affection readings. Numerous tools for biographical, archeological, public, and personal provocations helped understand how a dormant building could be activated for a liminal interval of time.

537 Broadway

537 Broadway

The EHF Dinner Series, 2013-2015

Ways of Treating Buildings in Order to See Them, 2015

EHF Collection Exhibition, Public Program, 2017