Idea by
Frani O'Toole
Call for ideas 2021
Disability x Maternity
Disability x Maternity

- New alliances
My mother had a stroke when I was eight months old. The household she managed with the use of only half her body was a landscape of care, in a disabled as well as a maternal sense — an intersection that yields resilience and struggle from the term, even as the disabled young mother’s experience is missed by public, architectural, and even rehabilitation discourse, which sends mothers home with little to no advice specific to parenting. Drawing on architectural placemaking tools, this project writes a manual for newly disabled young mothers. A guide to keeping/adapting houses, the project will be illustrated with design sketches, recipes, etc., and speak directly to these women, even as it invites architects to learn/teach from this situated knowledge.
I approach this project as a daughter — daughterhood being an ethic I'd like to see more prominently among ‘emerging artists,’ who are often taking home into their horizons, taking what they've been given into what they must give.

Disability x Maternity
Disability x Maternity

- New alliances
My mother had a stroke when I was eight months old. The household she managed with the use of only half her body was a landscape of care, in a disabled as well as a maternal sense — an intersection that yields resilience and struggle from the term, even as the disabled young mother’s experience is missed by public, architectural, and even rehabilitation discourse, which sends mothers home with little to no advice specific to parenting. Drawing on architectural placemaking tools, this project writes a manual for newly disabled young mothers. A guide to keeping/adapting houses, the project will be illustrated with design sketches, recipes, etc., and speak directly to these women, even as it invites architects to learn/teach from this situated knowledge.
I approach this project as a daughter — daughterhood being an ethic I'd like to see more prominently among ‘emerging artists,’ who are often taking home into their horizons, taking what they've been given into what they must give.