Idea by
Valbona Fejza, Irena Damjanoska, Adelina Fejza, Sanja Avramoska, Brankica Dogazanska
Call for ideas 2021

- Systemic changes
Rules for a sustainable future, demand a new way of dwelling. A different housing concept that will strongly affect the social aspect of humans and their city of tomorrow. Reinforcing the idea of the Immeuble villas which had their own gardens, the new “building” will enclose an “empty” green space, filled with rooms (private spaces). The building can be a home for 1, 2 … 10 families, and will replace the classic building system in the classic urban block.
People will work from home, so the working space will be a must and the “after work” time will be mostly spent outside in the public spaces of the city. With that, the living room and the working space turn into a green oasis where people can spend most of the time in a direct connection with the nature. Every household grows its home greenery including food crops. The new kitchen includes new build-in modules for selected recycling. The process of product processing will now go through a full cycle.

Percentage of greenery in a residential unit

- Systemic changes
Rules for a sustainable future, demand a new way of dwelling. A different housing concept that will strongly affect the social aspect of humans and their city of tomorrow. Reinforcing the idea of the Immeuble villas which had their own gardens, the new “building” will enclose an “empty” green space, filled with rooms (private spaces). The building can be a home for 1, 2 … 10 families, and will replace the classic building system in the classic urban block.
People will work from home, so the working space will be a must and the “after work” time will be mostly spent outside in the public spaces of the city. With that, the living room and the working space turn into a green oasis where people can spend most of the time in a direct connection with the nature. Every household grows its home greenery including food crops. The new kitchen includes new build-in modules for selected recycling. The process of product processing will now go through a full cycle.

Percentage of greenery in a residential unit