The Publishing School - Pedagogies of Care

© 2020 DAI-SAI, The Publishing School: Pedagogies of Care.
The Publishing School: Pedagogies of Care is an exploration on how we learn and produce knowledge collectively through emancipatory practices of care. The programme builds upon the three Publishing Acts (Facebook & Instagram) and their collective efforts in shaping unordinary publications, unlikely publics and unorthodox spatial imaginaries.
It consists of the Exhibiton, the Symposium and the Publication – all experiments per se. The Exhibition (opening 25 August 2020), as a digital work-in-progress, includes contributions of the Future Architecture participants from Publishing Acts I-II-III, together with the new proposals of international authors focusing on pedagogies of care. The Symposium (26-28 August 2020) explores ideas of a “de-schooled school,” evolving beyond the institutional environments of learning and establishing self-organized, autonomous, “free” educational spaces. The Publication (Dec 2020), a “portable learning environment,” will speculate about what futures emerge on the horizons of knowledge production, decolonial methodologies of research and practices of critical care. The programme engages with the world around us in ways that are non-extractive and nurturing, and brings forward stories – herstories – of wisdom of care of our bodies, and both human and non-human environments.
© 2020 DAI-SAI, The Publishing School: Pedagogies of Care schedule.
Future Architecture Fellows:
Urbanaarchitettura (Marco Moro, Paolo Pisano, Sabrina Puddu, Francesco Zuddas),
MONTAJE (Andrés Carretero & Saúl Alonso),
TiriLab (Christina Serifi | Zuloark),
Un-war space lab (Armina Pilav, Damir Ugljen, Jonas Langbein)
Concept by Ana Dana Beroš, on the behalf of DAI-SAI.
Authors of the exhibition: Rebekka Kiesewetter, Sofia Dona, Microcities (Mariabruna Fabrizi & Fosco Lucarelli), Léopold Lambert, Selim Projects (Mika Savela & Henrik Drufva), Maite Borjabad López-Pastor, Tania Tovar Torres, Jason Hilgefort, Soba DAŠ, Armina Pilav, Sonja Leboš, Lana Stojićević, Miruna Dunu, CARTHA, Selim Projects (Mika Savela & Henrik Drufva), Viktoria Khokhlova, Leo Kirinčić, Andrej Kljun, Cam Liu, Klodiana Millona, Tiago Mota Saraiva, Marin Nižić, Petronela Schredlova, Marko-Luka Zubčić, XOPA (Mikheil Mikadze & Oyat Shukurov).
The first Publishing Act, an experimental editorial workshop with the aim to produce instant, collaborative and open-ended socio-political imaginaries about a city, took place in Pula in 2017. The resulting publication - Pula Documents - was then distributed by hand: a performative gesture by which not only a printed product was imparted but also the engagement with the topics it contains. More on Publishing Acts and Pula Documents in Rebekka Kiesewetter’s text.
The second Publishing Act, which embodied critical reflection on prevailing processes, methods and frames for architectural knowledge production, was held in Šibenik in 2018. By perceiving publishing as a processual device for multivocal negotiation - Šibenik Alternating Currents - was materialized as a print-on-demand matter and coproduced with dpr-barcelona. More on Šibenik Alternating Currents.
Settled in the urban context of Rijeka, only months before the opening of its official European Capital of Culture 2020 programme, the last editorial workshop evolved in 2019. Being simultaneously a retrospective to come and a futurospective, the newspapers edition - Fiume Novare - captures different positions on what will happen on “The Day After” of Rijeka’s European cultural capitalization. The third publication acts as a symbolic circulation of concepts, in which all operate in a sphere of inseparable forms of “post-Rijeka-isms”. Fiume Novare is available for download here.