Idea by
Blanca Valdivia
Col·lectiu Punt 6
Call for ideas 2021
The caring city
The caring city

- Systemic changes
We propose a new urban model places people at the heart of decision-making, taking into account the diversity of experiences and ending the practice of standardising subjects, things, housing and desires. The goal is also to ensure that spaces are adapted to meet people’s different needs, rather than people having to adapt to the conditions of the space. This new urban paradigm is realised in the model of the caring city, whereby cities are seen as places that look after us, that take care of our surroundings, that let us look after ourselves and other people.
In a caring city, public spaces convey a sense of safety, because they are well signposted and illuminated. There are people around who can help: they are visible, vital and promote mutual support, to the extent that anyone can walk unhindered down the street at any time of day without fear of being harassed or threatened.
The caring city
The caring city

- Systemic changes
We propose a new urban model places people at the heart of decision-making, taking into account the diversity of experiences and ending the practice of standardising subjects, things, housing and desires. The goal is also to ensure that spaces are adapted to meet people’s different needs, rather than people having to adapt to the conditions of the space. This new urban paradigm is realised in the model of the caring city, whereby cities are seen as places that look after us, that take care of our surroundings, that let us look after ourselves and other people.
In a caring city, public spaces convey a sense of safety, because they are well signposted and illuminated. There are people around who can help: they are visible, vital and promote mutual support, to the extent that anyone can walk unhindered down the street at any time of day without fear of being harassed or threatened.