
Idea by

Love Di Marco, Tobias Hentzer Dausgaard, Arya Arabshahi

Critical Practice

57 C Beresford Road, London, United Kingdom
Critical Practice is an interdisciplinary architectural platform founded by Love Di Marco Tobias Hentzer Dausgaard and Arya Arabshahi in 2018, dedicated to finding common grounds among visionary architectural practitioners and the forces that shape the profession today. The collective operates out of London, Brussels and Copenhagen, where the three founders reside after having initiated their collaborations at the Architectural Association in 2015.

Call for ideas 2020

Critical Practice

Rethinking Clients, Forms of Alliance, Affording Risk

Critical Practice

Rethinking Clients, Forms of Alliance, Affording Risk
A series of conversations with European practitioners who challenge the way we design today
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Type of project
  • New alliances

Architects have seen the status and autonomy of the profession diminish from the 20th century to the 21st. While they used to hold key positions at the table of urban policy-making and design, their voices seem to be less significant in the chain of decision making today. How can we explore new modes of practicing by transforming our relationships with our clients, expanding our collaborative models and challenging our assumptions around risk-taking, while raising awareness around vital social and environmental urgencies?
The series is a call to reimagine the relationships between the profession and the network of actors and conditions that surround it. Together with architects, planners and economists we would like to have an open conversation about common questions and exemplar initiatives. We unfold three themes that we think have the potential to redefine the future role of the architect: rethinking clients, forms of alliance and affording risk.

Rethinking Clients: Le Corbusier playing double-bass while presenting his Palace of The Soviets project 1928.

Forms of Alliance: Alien montage of the Superstudio group in A.D. 1971, by Adrian George.

Affording Risk: Fire masks, Hampstead, London, 1941, by Lee Miller.

The first five issues of the Critical Pages zine, with essays on design attitude, the art of faking it, business as (un)usual, by European architects, lawyers, developers, economists and artists.

The Critical Dossier, the beginning of a collection of words, talks and images to inform and shape future spatial practice.

Critical Practice

Rethinking Clients, Forms of Alliance, Affording Risk

Critical Practice

Rethinking Clients, Forms of Alliance, Affording Risk
A series of conversations with European practitioners who challenge the way we design today
File under
Type of project
  • New alliances

Architects have seen the status and autonomy of the profession diminish from the 20th century to the 21st. While they used to hold key positions at the table of urban policy-making and design, their voices seem to be less significant in the chain of decision making today. How can we explore new modes of practicing by transforming our relationships with our clients, expanding our collaborative models and challenging our assumptions around risk-taking, while raising awareness around vital social and environmental urgencies?
The series is a call to reimagine the relationships between the profession and the network of actors and conditions that surround it. Together with architects, planners and economists we would like to have an open conversation about common questions and exemplar initiatives. We unfold three themes that we think have the potential to redefine the future role of the architect: rethinking clients, forms of alliance and affording risk.

Rethinking Clients: Le Corbusier playing double-bass while presenting his Palace of The Soviets project 1928.

Forms of Alliance: Alien montage of the Superstudio group in A.D. 1971, by Adrian George.

Affording Risk: Fire masks, Hampstead, London, 1941, by Lee Miller.

The first five issues of the Critical Pages zine, with essays on design attitude, the art of faking it, business as (un)usual, by European architects, lawyers, developers, economists and artists.

The Critical Dossier, the beginning of a collection of words, talks and images to inform and shape future spatial practice.

Idea by

Love Di Marco, Tobias Hentzer Dausgaard, Arya Arabshahi
Critical Practice
57 C Beresford Road
United Kingdom
Critical Practice is an interdisciplinary architectural platform founded by Love Di Marco Tobias Hentzer Dausgaard and Arya Arabshahi in 2018, dedicated to finding common grounds among visionary architectural practitioners and the forces that shape the profession today. The collective operates out of London, Brussels and Copenhagen, where the three founders reside after having initiated their collaborations at the Architectural Association in 2015.