The inaguration of the installation Green Gallery on 12 June is the first event in the rich YAP FEST 2018 summer programme devoted to the dialogue between cultures, entertainment and recreation.
The programme features 30 events, many of which organized in collaboration with Rome’s leading cultural institutions, and includes talks with artists, architects and writers, screenings, dance and music.
On Wednesday 13 June, there will be the talk Identity, Bodies, Image, organized within the ambit of the Roma Pride 2018 initiatives in association with the Circolo Mario Mieli. There will then be two events devoted to Pietro Barucci (15 June) nad Vittorio De Feo (26 June), masters of Italian Novecento architecture.
More live music with the Rainbow Choir – the first Italian LGBTIQ choir - (26 June) and three evenings of jazz organized in collaboration with the Roma Jazz Festival 2018 (12 July, young Italian talents, 21 July, Kamal Williams, 1 August, the band Sons of Kemet). On 20 June, the psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati will hold a conference on Alberto Burri, starting out form the book he has devoted to the Grande Cretto at Gibellina.
A special focus will be devoted to Africa on the occasion of the exhibition African Metropolis. An imaginary city and road to justice at MAXXI from 22 June, recounting the rich cultural universe of a continent in continual expansion.
A programme of meetings with writers of African origins in association with Rome’s Festival delle Letterature (first event, Friday 22 June with Alain Mabankou, winner of the 2015 Premio Strega Europeo with Pezzi di Vetro); meetings with artists (Kendell Geers, 3 July) and architects (from Ghana, David Adjane, Wednesday 4 July, from South Africa Mokena Makeka, 12 July and Jo Noero, 19 July); dance in collaboration with the Accademia Nazionale di Danza (3, 13 and 17 July); a film season on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela in collaboration with the Fondazione Cinema per Roma City Fest, with two Italian premieres (10, 18 and 25 July) and a charity fashion show organized by Le Spose di Marianne (24 July).
After the August break the programme will restart in September. More at MAXXI.
Green Gallery
Planting a forest in the MAXXI piazza. Creating a green oasis where birds in the area can find refuge, choosing various types of climbing plants, flowers and broad-leaved plants and some tropical specimens, a garden open to all, between the Monte Mario Natural Reserve and Villa Ada, the two great green lungs that embrace the Flaminio quarter.
This is Green Gallery by STUDIOD3R - Radostina Radulova-Stahmer and Deniza Horländer with Marcello Fantuz, the eco-conscious project favouring biodiversity and contrasting global warming that has won YAP Rome at MAXXI, organized by MAXXI in collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art – New York, as part of the Young Architects Program dedicated to the support and promotion of young architectural research, now in its seventh Italian edition.
The project, which will be installed on the MAXXI piazza from 12 June to 21 October 2018, creates a new area of public greenery, with the objective of improving the microclimate and fostering local flora and fauna. An installation that acts as a counterpoint to the surrounding area, occupied by the museum structure and densely built over. A refreshing garden that provides a spatial framework to the museum’s rich programme of summer events and where visitors may relax and enjoy the shade provided by the planting and take advantage of the cool microclimate.
The Green Gallery addresses the symbiosis of a light structure composed of modular elements with the rich and diverse vegetation.
A misting system winds around the horizontal metal tubing, allowing both the plants and the people respite from the torrid summer heat.
Green Gallery was chosen for its “capacity for dialogue for the strongly volumetric, concrete and dynamic architecture of MAXXI, which it contrasts with a structure based on lightness, geometric minimalism and the utmost presence of nature".
Exhibition of the Short-listed Projects
Along with the installation in the piazza, the Carlo Scarpa Hall will host an exhibition presenting the 2018 edition through the models of the projects short-listed for the Italian edition; together with the winning project chosen by an international jury from a pool of ideas. The exhibition will therefore feature the projects by Summary (Samuel de Brito Gonçalves, Inês Vieira Rodrigues, João Pedro Meira, Luca Sabbadini, Giacomo Tacchi and Andrea Ferro, Porto – Portugal), AM3 studio (Marco Alesi, Cristina Calì and Alberto Cusumano, Palermo – Italy), Tomé Capa + LIMIT STUDIO (Tomé Capa, Ricardo Acosta and Ivo Barbosa, Lisbon – Portugal) and KolendićKrmek (Maja Mia Kolendić and Anita Krmek, Zagabria – Croatia).
Alongside these will be an account of the entire Young Architects Program through images of the winning and short-listed projects at MoMA/MoMA PS1 and Constructo.
About YAP
YAP is promoting and supporting young architecture and is organized by MAXXI in collaboration with MoMA New York, Constructo of Santiago de Chile, Istanbul Modern and MMCA Seoul. This year for the first time ever, Future Architecture is also part of the programme.
Each year YAP Young Architects Program offers an emerging designer or architectural practice the opportunity to create a temporary installation on the MAXXI piazza that will host the museum’s summer activities and offer the public shade, water and spaces in which to relax. A space that testifies to architectural research and innovation, attentive to the issues of sustainability, recycling and reuse and which emphasises the public nature of the museum piazza.