
Will Jennings - Future Histories

A series of occasionally intersecting future histories, looking back at where it all went right / all went wrong / all could have been different, using the work of six emergent creatives to explore our current near-future through the lens of environment, social cohesivity and urgency of response.

Will is an artist & writer interested in the intersections of architecture with politics, place, history and culture. His architectural writing explores some of the issues surrounding architecture & modern place-making to a wider audience, connecting unexpected ideas to find a place in between. Over recent years he was involved with the successful opposition to the proposed Garden Bridge development in central London, and occasionally lectures & teaches.

The two-day event at the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana represents the central gathering of the Future Architecture platform. The conference with 25 selected Future Architecture 2020 Call for Ideas applicants and invited guests is one of the most insightful annual gatherings around European architecture and showcases ideas and trends for the future development of the profession.